Sexy Spanish TV Game Part 2

Description: Thanks to Steelflex27's comment in part 1, we at least now have some idea of what's going on in this game! The sexiness continues in part 2, only one part to go.

Views: 168511 Date: September 9, 2010 Favorited: 30 favorites

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+ -
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Man if we had quality TV like this I would get cable again.
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thanks to this video I can now count to 20 in spanish!
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Bizarre, but strangely entertaining, bring on part 3, or in fact just show us the whole season.
Why didn't the second girl get a chance to score 10 points by taking her knickers off and why didn't the "guardian of the keys" try to slow her down?
Doh! Have to stop trying to make sense of this.
Steelflex27 replied:
they did give her a chance to take her thong off for the 10 points, but she declined, and the "guardian" is supposed to distract her, not stop her.