Sexy Spanish TV Game Part 1

Description: The goal of the game is for a couple of topless/nude babes to.. do something?! What ever the goal one thing is clear, we are the winners! Anyone care to translate?

Views: 277277 Date: September 8, 2010 Favorited: 39 favorites

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Thank god Europe doesnt have the american false moralism,well, america only had 500 years to live...perhaps with 1.000 or 2.000 years they learn that sexuality isnt a bad thing after all.
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This should totally become an olympic sport
Gigantuous_Guy replied:
I would like to know how they con these girls to get inside of that box of mud or whatever it is totally nude and how the heck the Spanish television censors don't bother blurring their, shall we say, "vital parts." Also, why are some girls so willing to get naked in the different ways that they do under the different situations that they do is something else I'd like to know.
Gigantuous_Guy replied:
One other thing. Is the purpose of the naked brunette-haired chick, along with having an excuse for having one extra naked or semi-naked chick to go along with the two female contestants, to get in the way of the blonde from getting whatever it is she is looking for at the bottom of that box?
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pretty much the object of the game is that the two women will be put in a box filled with i think batter and they must find some keys in the batter, and whoever can accumulate the most keys will get 20 points.

and also, this show looks amazing!!! i wish they would have a game show like this in america, it would get HUGE ratings! but alas, the american stereotype on nudity would forbid this.
Steelflex27 replied:
edit: it semms i translated one part wrongly, in the game the only one searching is the blonde, and the brunnete is supposed to make the find harder for her by distracting her as much as she can. and also if she takes off her thong she would have gotten an extra 10 points.
Steelflex27 replied:
another thing, the first two women in the begining are supposed to mix around the keys as much as they can.
Crinkle420 replied:
If this show was in the US I would definitely watch it! The first 5 minutes at least...
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Where is part 2?!
oc2233 replied:
I was wondering the same thingg
ynorc replied:
need part 2.......pronto! that's awsome!