Asian Breast Test

Description: The old case of a bikini top a few sizes too small. Not sure what they're talking about but it's a cute chick touching another cute chicks boobs so that's reason enough to have it here.

Views: 147449 Date: June 7, 2010 Favorited: 7 favorites

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the girls at the end are getting boobs like the one that came out in a bikinni
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The first thing she said when she touched them was 'kimochi' which means they feel good to her. the 'koko no nikukan te' she is comparing to her own breasts and says that her large boobs are more attractive or sensual than her own which she claims does not exist.
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That looks like Reon Kadena or whatever she's known as on the internets. Queen of the Underboob.
urashimakt replied:

I believe you are correct, she has the signature tooth gap.

Anyone understand the Japanese? I don't understand what they mean when the girl feeling the underboob says "koko no nikkukan te no chichikan te desu ne", it sounded like she stuttered so the sentence may not be correct at all, soz. If anyone knows, it'd be appreciated.