Amateur Hour on Russian TV

Description: This comes from a late night Russian show titled "Dear Woman" and features amateur girls taking their clothes off on nation TV.. All while a middle aged guy sits on the couch beside them.

Views: 394231 Date: October 5, 2008 Favorited: 75 favorites

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Maybe the host is married.
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we want tv shows like this
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It is the one of the oldest night show. translated on TNT chanal. In the buttom of the screen three lines, there write: dress, top, strings. Right there green telephone numbers. Who seen this show called. I am very glad that you like this. I'm from Russia.
Darkproxy replied:
Is the show's name correct?
+ -
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how do you find that Russian TV station on the internet.
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Man, they really have great shows in Russia...the only thing thats annoying is the guy talking on the end...btw. i find it kind of strange that she does first take of her panties and only then the bra, but i guess Russians do it in a different way :D
PattyTheCake replied:
Could just be me, but I for one love it when girls take their panties off before their tops.
+ -
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Now why dont they have that show here in the states?????
klopklop25 replied:
cause states only have some tied up bastards at the tv stations who think this is a waste of time of there channels
kick-ass08 replied:
Those Bastards!
fartness replied:
basically they feel that if some1 under 18 sees any form of nudity they will be scarred for life
+ -
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i havent seen this show live but i can russian. the numbers is:
left blue ones is name of clothing (dress, top, pannies) and amount of calls needed
middle green is the number you need to call for each one
right ones is the amount of calls gathered.
when when the right number is bigger than the opposite left one the girl take that thing of.
simple but money gaining idea
kiberkiller replied:
too bad i cant read the name of the show (background on the very first picture, video is bad quality) because otherwise i could tell you the name of this show.
the girl is hot.
+ -
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That girl was fucking hot, too bad she can't dance. Was it some kind of contest? Because there were a lot of numbers at the bottom in green.
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IS kind of weird hes trying not to look lol Anyways very nice clip she was pretty hot,anyone know her name?
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Yeah, I do wonder if he's trying to pass up as a good guy, holier-than-thou kind of guy. Too bad is not working and he ends up looking kinda weird.

Now, back on topic, somebody needs to get more clips from that show, as long as the girls are as hot as this one. xD
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Why is he trying so hard not to see? Is he gay? Nah, if he were he just wouldn't care. Maybe it's his daughter? I dunno. Whatever it is, he's a weird one. :p