Nudist Contest

Description: I have to warn you that there is no sound in the video and as a result it feels a bit creepy watching it. If you manage to concentrate on her awesome body though, you should be ok.

Views: 626581 Date: October 3, 2008 Favorited: 47 favorites

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+ -
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Perfectly lovely.

The critics will be happy to know that this girl was not placed in the first three in the contest.
+ -
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I donno but she doesn't look that sexy to me...first she should shave her bush, then she should get a new haircut...seems to be from the early 90's anyway, judging by the video quality, and the haircut!
rgs3578 replied:
What were born in the 90's ? You young shit the bush is nice and the hair is cool.
+ -
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WOW! Perfect boobs. Real ones too. And, we have bush. Nice 'landing pad'. I'm getting tired of women looking like little girls. I want a woman, not some little girl.
+ -
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The lack of sound isn't creepy, it's the all the fur that's disturbing. That, and seeing nude children running around while I'm having naughty thoughts about the contestants.