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Description: Yeah, that's definitely worth a double-take. Our famous Homegrown Hottie Angel has returned, her thread is here. And finally a woman's mag giving good advice? Mind = blown.
Views: 156568
Date: 09/03/13
Favorited: 19

#5 Caprice from W4B
#7 Alyssa Arce
#9 Lisa Ann
#12 Veronika (Verunka) Fasterova
#16 Shiloh Hartley (AKA LunaRynth on Tumblr)
#17 Zuzana Drabinova
#19 Connie Carter
#24 Ashlynn Brooke
#25 Ariana Marie
#27 Sarah McDonald
#28 Craving Carmen (Due to privacy, no last name.)
Did mOOse actually stump you with a forum Hottie!?!