Deep Inside Tessa Fowler

The first time we met the lovely Tessa Fowler she was introduced with the prophetic words: "I have a feeling she will be a legend". Those words were followed by: "Just look at her and look at those boobs". Game, set and match.

Ms. Fowler has definitely become a legend around these parts, partly because of her incredible breasts but also because she seems so sincere. Her smile is just too damn bright to be fake and those big, beautiful eyes (yes, eyes, she has big eyes too!) of hers overflow with sweetness. In her photos and videos Tessa always manages to look like she's having more fun than anyone else.

She first appeared on Playboy as their Coed of the Week in January 2012, but we really fell in love with her through her photosets and videos at Cosmid, where at the time of writing this she is still ranked as their #1 most popular model of all time out of 300+ girls. She has since also appeared on PinUpFiles, but we're confident it's only the beginning of her world domination journey.

After some technical issues held things up (her laptop committed suicide) she was sweet enough to keep in touch throughout until we finally got the email we've been looking forward to. And now we're sharing it with you, along with a contender for the best fan sign ever! Enjoy!

1) After re-watching your exceptional introduction video (click here) we had a few questions.. You said you love dancing, what's your favorite music to dance to and what's your favorite kind of dancing?
I was really nervous when I shot that video, so I may have led you to believe that I dance in public. That's false. I get anxious when people ask me to dance. However, I do love turning on some dirty rap music and shaken' it when I'm getting out of the shower.  My bathroom turns into a strip club!

2) Are you still a True Blood fan? What do you like about it?
I am still a huge True Blood fan. Mostly because how absurd it is. It's campy, and I love it. Plus, Alexander Skarsgard. Enough said.

3) What's it like living in a small town? What are some of the challenges/good/bad things?
I didn't realize how much I loved my small town until I got out of it. I spent a lot of time in Los Angeles this year planning a move, and I can see how different things are. I know I will love the city, but I will definitely raise kids and retire in a small town somewhere. I believe small town values build character. Also, it's hard to meet an impolite person in a tiny southern town!

4) What are your favorite places that you've been so far?
I went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, and that was pretty amazing. Not only is the party scene ridiculous, but the people and the food are unbeatable. I met some of the most interesting people with the best stories to tell. Needless to say, I will definitely be going back.

5) We hear you are a bit of a gamer! What genre of games are your favorites? What's your current favorite?
I hate to call myself a "gamer", because I only play a certain type of game. I like RPG's. Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Oblivion, Skyrim, Mass Effect Series, Assassins Creed, and lately I've been really into Far Cry 3. But if you have any more suggestions then, please..

6) At Cosmid you are described as a "sweet" person and we kind of get that impression too. Give us another word or phrase that you think fits you well.
That's very nice. I like being described as sweet. I guess I was always nervous that I would come off as nervous, because really that's what I am in most of my videos.

7) We've heard you say you love being the center of attention. What kind of things have you done to be the center of attention?
I really do. I probably shouldn't admit it, but I do like attention. If I had any skill I would perform on stage. Hell, I would perform on the street if I knew how to do something that'll intrigue people. Instead I settle for telling groups of people jokes in bars.

8) Speaking of attention, your breasts must attract a lot of it! What are some of the things you do to take advantage of their power (we promise we won't judge - no such promises about not drooling though!)?
I try to use my charm to my advantage more than my breasts, but I think that's because the breasts kind of work for themselves. I do find myself trying to deal with men when it comes to customer service. I always seem to get a better deal, more perks, etc.

9) Do you have names for either/both of them?
I call the left one Sparkling Wit, and the right one Charming Personality.

10) Although we love oogling at breasts here at, we don't always understand the challenges that come with bustiness. Can you educate us on some of the problems you have as a busty girl? Ill fitting bras? Back pain? Overwhelming feeling of awesomeness?
Seat belts constantly slide up my breasts to my neck, I can't ever go without a bra, It's hard to find a comfortable position to sleep in, running hurts like you wouldn't believe, and I wouldn't change a thing! My breasts are such a pain, but I don't even know what I'd do without them.

11) Tell us about your tattoo. When did you get it and what does it mean?
I got it as a surprise gift to my mom on Mother's Day when I was 16. I showed the tattoo parlor my older sister's ID to get it. My mom wasn't very happy about it, and now neither am I. I really should've thought more about it, but tattoos were just made legal where I live and I was excited to get one. I'm going to start getting it removed sometime this year.

12) One of our favorite videos is the one where we got to see you get ready for bed (click here). It has reached almost 200k views and growing! Was it planned or a spur of the moment type of thing?
It was a really spur of the moment thing. I came home after a few drinks, and I thought I would make a video before bed. If it's a favorite, then mybe I should film drunk more often!

13) Speaking of that video, it's the only time we've seen you completely nude (at least on S&F). Are there others we've missed and are you planning any more where you bare it all?
No. That's the only time I've been full nude (other than my shoot with Playboy). I may do more at some point, but for now I'm happy just doing topless.

14) You seem to be a fan of thongs (us too). How do you choose them and what are your favorites?
I actually don't wear thongs that often. I will wear them for shoots, but day to day I usually wear boy shorts. They are way more comfortable.

15) We also noticed that you didn't wear panties to bed. Do you ever go without during the day?
Actually sometimes I do go without during the day. It usually happens when I'm rushing and I forget to put them on.

16) You seem like you have a wild side. Can you tell us about a time when you got wild (preferably involving nudity)?
I once had to do a naked lap around a house because I lost an intense game of beer pong at a friend's party. The other times that I got really wild I don't remember too well...

17) Thanks to some of your fans at S&F we found out that the lovely Kelly Rich in this video with you (click here) is your sister! Was it weird filming with her?! Do you think we will get to meet your other sister too?
My sister and I have always had a different kind of relationship. We're more like best friends rather than sisters. So that made it really easy to film with her. And my other sister is going to stay behind the scenes.

18) How was Mardi Gras? Did you flash anyone?
Did I flash anyone? I flashed EVERYONE! I was finally in a place where I could not only show my boobs, but it was encouraged and rewarded! I might as well have been walking down the street completely topless.

19) Please tell us you have an awesome Mardi Gras story and then proceed to tell us about it in great detail. :)
I saw a girl wearing nothing but pasties wrestling with the police. That was interesting to watch! That may be the only story I feel comfortable putting in writing.

20) Your shoot for Pinup Files (click here) was a little different; more makeup, a hairdo. What was that like? How was it different to the stuff you're use to?
I love it. Working for Pinup Files has been spectacular. The hair, makeup, and wardrobe make me feel so glamorous. It is different than what I'm used to, but I like it this way. I look more grown up!

21) We mostly know you from your shoots for Cosmid, though we have seen you on PinupFiles and Playboy. Are there any other places we are missing?
Nope, that's it so far. If I do my job right, then you can expect to see me everywhere!

22) Any plans to launch your own site? Something tells me you'd have a lot of success!
I am in talks, and going to start working on my own site soon! It should be up and running sometime in 2014.

23) Tell us something about you that most people would be surprised to find out.
Growing up I won a few awards for my artwork. I won for my drawings, paintings, and graphic art designs. Unfortunately, I haven't done anything artistic in a long time. Also, people seem really surprised to find out that I'm as short as I am. I guess I photograph taller than I really am, but I'm only 5ft 1in.

24) Is there something you want to tell us about that we didn't ask?
I just want to thank everyone for the positive feedback that I've gotten this year. I've been floating on a cloud for two years now, and I can't thank my fans enough.

Plug time:
Twitter: @TessaFowler
Wishlist: Tessa's Amazon Wishlist - Go buy her something!
Find her photos/videos at: Tessa on S&F, Playboy, Cosmid and currently at PinUpFiles.

Description: We are starting the year of with a bang as far as our semi-regular interviews go! Today we meet the lovely Tessa, whom we've been obsessing over for almost the past two years.

Views: 130963 Date: January 3, 2014 Favorited: 10 favorites

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+ -
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Trust me - I understand. your obsession. I too have the same problem!!!
+ -
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Tessa is vibrant, on a par with Jana Defi.
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Great interview as always. No idea who the woman is but still top notch. :D
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Tessa Fowler is stunningly beautiful, as always!
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Tessa is a wonderful girl, as sweet as she is gorgeous. I hope she goes far and accomplishes everything she hopes for, and more. IMO she ought to be a Playmate!
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Outstanding interview Three D, well done, and what a body Tessa has
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Gorgeous woman. Great interview.
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Been a fan of Tessa since I first laid eyes on her.

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Great interview. Tessa seems like a down to earth person.
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Bravo Asswipe! (He's the one that did it right?)
mOOse replied:
yep, asswipe (Three D) came up with most of the questions as usual!