Deep Inside Ember Reigns

The curvaceous and bold Ember Reigns has been hanging out at since 2009. With numerous appearances on our forums and the front page there are plenty of places to check her out.
Some of the threads you might want to peek on include: Close up of me and my toy, I come with boobies and The biggest dildo I own..
On Ember's very first visit to the front page, she was happy to dance and take her panties off for us. Since then we've seen her showering, bar tending and even wearing our gear.
Now we get to pester her with questions!

Well, as you probably know, I will be turning 26 on the 7th (of January.. yeah we took way too long to post this!). I am not really much of a clubbing kind of girl however what girl doesn't like to have FUN!!! I actually am going to be having some fun with some other cam girls!!! Who knows what will happen!!!
2) We were sniffing around your twitter and we think we smelled a dog. Is there a furry in your life? Tell us about him/her.
I do have a furry in my life, in fact, I have 2 furry's in my life... A 1 year old GoldenDoodle puppy named Bella and a 2+ year old Red Point Siamese named Soft Kitty (notice the Big Bang reference). I adore both of them and really enjoy it when they both sleep at my feet while I watch a good movie. However, SK isn't too fond of Bella. Bella is so darned big and scares SK when they try and play. They have a really funny Cat/Dog relationship. However, I think SK still loves his home since he was a rescue cat I got from my local rescue league.

Well, while I try a lot to be good at cooking and I try to enjoy it, I don't really like it at all. Everything I attempt seems to burn or come out wrong. I can't even give the stuff away at times!!! I guess that is the problem with a cook who doesn't really eat sugar.. How can I bake when I don't eat what I make?
4) Based on your experience, are there any foods that are good for sexy time?
Food and sexy time just seem to be an odd couple. I haven't found a good food for the occasion but I can tell you that chocolate is for sure NOT one of those for me. It just reminds me of poop and since I am not a big fan of sugar, I can't really get into it. I am a meat girl!! I LOVE meat!! So why add any other meat to my already delicious experience. ;-) (I meant why ruin the steak with a cock! He he he)

That is a really funny story. One day, I was looking for some good paying modeling jobs in the South Florida area and I was getting frustrated with the lack of stuff out there. So I was looking at my computer, trying to figure out what other sites might have some offers, and decided to google "sexy jobs" in south Florida. I found a site that directed me to a webcam site. I had never heard of webcamming before so I watched cams for like 2 days straight!!! Watching what girls did and how it all worked. I even bought a few shows to see what went on during the show!! It really seemed like an enjoyable experience so I thought I would give it a try. I got all signed up and my first show was a foot fetish show. The guy wanted me to just show my feet to the camera. After a short amount of time, the show was over.. I realized that it actually turned me on. Having a guy tell me his fantasy and letting me play it out for him. Ever since then, I have been HOOKED!!!

Actually this has been really interesting. I get recognized all the time!! At the mall, at the beach, at sporting events.... just about everywhere!! One time I was actually dressed up for a Halloween party and was recognized SEVERAL times while I was out with some friends!! It was surprising because I didn't think I looked anything like my normal self when I was all dressed up. One of the most memorable times was at a football game. I was walking to my seat when a couple recognized me and asked if they could take my picture with them for their good friend who was stationed overseas. What was so memorable about it is that I was pretty sure that while I was posing with them, the guy jazzed in his pants... It was kind of funny!!

When it comes to guns, I have to say that I am a fan of hand guns. I have tried a shotgun a few times and really am not a big fan of hurting myself when I shoot. I haven't tried any rifles but am sure I won't like those either. As for the type of hand gun, I have to say my Glock 45 is my favorite. It just seems to be the best for me and I like everything about it!
8) Okay, we're at a gun range. You're helping us learn. What do you teach us?
This question is a loaded one....(he he he) The only thing that I would feel comfortable teaching anyone is that Safety is first. I am a firm believer in practice making perfect so I would suggest that the more practice you get, the better you will be. Not only practicing shooting, but practicing safety. Also, if you are a woman, I would tell you NOT to conceal and carry in your purse...EVER!! That is the first thing that someone grabs from a women, do you really want them to have your weapon?!

I have to admit, that is my biggest dildo. It doesn't see as much action as my others, but it get its fair share for sure... ;-) In fact, there is a video on my site of some action with it! Outside of shows and videos, I am a little afraid of it for personal use. It has been used, but just the size of it tends to scare me and excite me at the same time.
10) We've seen you cam on our favorite cams site site, MyFreeCams. Outside of tipping you lots :), what's the best thing someone can do while watching you perform?
When it comes to my cam shows, I have to say that what turns me on the most is when I get to WATCH what the guy is doing, while I am doing my show. TURN ON YOUR CAM and LET ME WATCH TOO!! I enjoy what I do, but I am just as visual as you guys are. I get more turned on the more I see so show me everything!

I suppose we will start with the bad and end with the good. My worst experience camming (while it is funny, I still consider it my worst) I would say was a little over a year and a half ago, while I was still in Florida. I was at home, in my bedroom, feeling a little horny. SOOOO, I decided that I would jump online and have some fun. I was really getting into my show! I was fully nude and dancing around my stripper pole and using it like a cock between my tits, when all of a sudden, I had forgotten what day it is!!! My bedroom door opened up and in walked my housekeeper!!!! She had always known what I had done, but for her to walk in on me, it was pretty embarrassing! The worst part about it is that she just kept coming right in, walking into my bathroom, and kept working! I hadn't even cum yet!! As for the best experience I have ever had while camming... As I am sure most of you are aware, I am a big supporter of Toys For Tots. While I know that Christmas isn't all about the toys, I still feel that every kid should have something to open on Christmas morning. Anyway, last year I was doing a cam show and a customer took me into a private show. This customer then turned on their camera and told me that I was such an inspiration to them by always talking about toys for tots during the holiday season, as opposed to promoting MY wish list, that they were in the process of donating over $3,500.00 to their local toy drive.

The best prank played on me is a tough question. I actually can be pretty gullible so fall victim to a lot of funny things. If there is any that stand out, I would have to say it would be Christmas last year. Someone had given me a gift and as I was opening it, I got really excited. It was in a LV bag and I thought it was this purse I had been wanting!! I opened up the bag with pure excitement and inside was this UGLY scarf!!! I actually was so angry that I gave it to one of my cam model friends who was there with me laughing at the prank!!!

I really enjoy laughing at pranks. However, I am not the best at DOING pranks. I try to prank people and it seems that they always see it coming!! However, I DO like to tease and flash people!!! I guess you could call it a prank. I live on a golf course. The back of my house is the tee off for 2 separate holes! The golf course is a public one and does a LOT of tournaments throughout the year. So I have to admit, I find myself watching out the window and waiting for the golfers, and the sponsors, to look towards my house and then I drop my clothes and walk around the house in clear view for everyone to see!! A few weeks ago, there was a small camera crew following this golfer around and filming, what looked like some sort of documentary. They were watching him tee off and at one point, they were set up directly in front of him while he was instructing them on the key points of a tee off or something. My big window is directly behind him and so I couldn't pass up the chance!!! I got fully naked and walked right up to the window and gave a big stretch and smiled, waved, and walked away. So if you can find that golfers video, I am sure you will see me in the background fully nude!

Well, I am a nerd at heart. I am a big fan of the TV show "The Big Bang Theory" I never miss an episode!! I also own all 6 seasons on Blu Ray and plan on getting season 7 as well!! I also have a framed ORIGINAL Star Wars movie poster. You know the ones they post outside the theater during the showing of a movie? I also have an original framed one for Back to the Future, and even Indiana Jones' Raiders of the Lost Ark! I also studied Pharmaceuticals in college and worked at a pharmacy for a short time. I am learning how to fly and build all my own computers from scratch. I read a lot and enjoy watching the TV series "How's it Made".
15) Now we've moved our stalking onto your Amazon Wishlist (link) and couldn't help but notice you want a Strato Chess board (link)? Just how nerdy are you Ember Reigns?! :P
OMG!! I can't help myself! I am a HUGE board game collector! There is nothing like having some friends over for a few drinks and pulling out my collection of board games!! I have been told that I am the Willy Wonka of board games!! I like mostly the classic ones though. Some of the new ones get a little crazy. I even have started to collect the sexy ones. Although those are a little harder to find!

When I got into this industry, I did it for the excitement and for the fun. I started to develop a pretty big fan base and I really enjoy making my fans happy. I posted that thread as a way to find out what my fans wanted!! In the end, I decided against it because they were going to own everything about me. I also decided to do more boy girl stuff for my site at that point because I could see that you guys wanted to see me get fucked!! Several people also sent me some private messages that I really took seriously. I also am friends with some contracted models and every single one of them told me that it wasn't in their best interest. They are removed from their fan base and they have someone typing and acting as them. I didn't want to be removed from my fans so I decided against it.

This question reminds me of the glamour magazine headlines! Lol. (which are always wrong by the way!) For me personally, I would say that the number one thing guys need to know is that we want to please you! This is hard unless you TELL US WHAT YOU LIKE! Lol, even if you think it is weird. Chances are we will end up liking it. I know I do. Just be detailed on what exactly you want. Say things like, "I really like it when you wear stripper heals and say dirty things to me like a stripper." I like it when a man takes control and has us start doing some kinky things!!
18) Let's say you're going to be stuck on a remote island for a week. No sex or other people to play with. What sexy toy do you bring and why that one (you can't say that huge dildo, that just wouldn't be practical!)?
Well, does this remote island have power??? Because if it doesn't, I will go NUTS without my HITACHI! If not, I guess I would go find the most powerful battery operated one and bring LOTS of batteries!!!

One of my funniest and most memorable shoots would have to be the time I was on Ft Myers beach in Florida! I was doing a beach shoot all day long with this photographer and all day long I kept looking directly at the back yard of this house!! It had an amazing pool with a fountain of 2 dolphins in it! There was a fence around it and no one seemed to be home so as the crew were starting to load stuff up to end the day, me and the photographer jumped over the fence and I got naked in this pool!!! It was so hot to think that I could get caught and I kept peaking in the windows to see if anyone was home! It was a beautiful home and the pool was so awesome!! If the owner of that home is reading this right now, I just want to say thank you for the use of your pool and I would LOVE to come shoot all kinds of naughty stuff at your house!

I can think of a TON of reasons to join my site! I LOVE to shoot and have ALL KINDS of stuff on there for everyone! That is the only place you will see me do boy girl and girl girl stuff. I also do fetish stuff and you will also really get to know a lot about me sexually on there!! I really LOVE my new design and hope you all do as well! I just keep adding more and more stuff to it but always encourage you guys to give me more ideas to do!!
21) What are your resolutions/plans for 2014?
I don't believe in the traditional new year's resolution thing because no one ever keeps them. I do have goals for 2014 and some of them are to finish getting my pilots license, finally climb a 14k mountain, go on a cruise (I have NEVER been on a cruise before!!!!) and FINALLY find a darn PS4!!! I have wanted one since they came out but they are always sold out!!!

I just want to make sure and let everyone know that I am the one who posts on my twitter. I don't have a company or anything like that doing it for me so if you want to know the latest about everything about me, make sure and follow my twitter!! Also, my ONLY official social networks and stuff are on my site so if anyone ever wants to find my social network links, go to my site for the only official ones!! There are a LOT of fakers out there!!!!
Plug time:
Twitter: @emberreigns
Wishlist: Ember's Amazon Wishlist - Go buy her something!
Find her photos/videos at: Ember on S&F and her official site!
Description: We sit down with the gorgeous Ember and ask her a few questions. Her responses are really detailed and some of them really hot! So make sure you don't miss this one.
Views: 27387
Date: January 30, 2014
Favorited: 4

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