Deep Inside Callista

Looking through the S&F forums you may have noticed awesome links like "Surprise Hand Job!", "My O-Face" and even "Hotel Fun With A Green Dildo". After clicking to find out what's going on (because of course you do) you find a hot, mostly-naked girl doing variously naughty things with and without costumes, toys and soap bubbles. Lots and lots of soap bubbles actually.
If that's happened to you then you have found Callista, the lovely lady who has posted no less than 148 hot threads (and one hello thread) featuring teasers from her members-only site
Callista likes Star Trek and video games (suddenly we can hear nerdy and geeky hearts beating faster everywhere), being naked and sharing her hotness with us lucky, lucky humans. She agreed to answer a few questions (WOOHOOOOOO!) and tell us about the woman so many of us have been lusting after for years.

It is one of my real names. :)
2) How'd you find
I was Googling for forums to post at and found SexyAndFunny looked like an awesome place to post my ass!
3) What do you love most about the forums?
The people and interaction with the forum members.

Sometimes I'm just that good with being creative ;)
5) Which Star Trek series is the best and why?
I love all the Star Trek series so it's hard for me to say which one is the best because they all have awesome points and favorite characters of mine. TOS of course started it all. TNG really took Trek up a few notches. DS9 had an awesome twist to how we viewed the ST universe every episode. Voyager just had a great canvas to start with. Enterprise was starting to get really good when they killed it off.

Here I guess I fail because I've never found an episode of Trek that I feel is sexy. Characters maybe but not an episode.
7) We have quite a few anime fans here, what are some of your favourites?
Vampire Hunter D, Kamui from X, Trunks from DBZ and DBGT, Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing, Daisuke from D.N.Angel just to name the a few.
8) What about your dirty anime a.k.a. Hentai, any you like?
They're cool to watch but I'm a bigger fan of real sex.

I use to be really big into DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) but lately it's been so broken I haven't had the patience to play it. I have played NWNO (Neverwinter New World Order), but it hasn't caught my attention very well so I guess right now I'm not really playing any MMO (massively multiplayer online game) till I can find one that is actually fun and good.
10) When did you realise that you liked being naked?
Probably after I developed my ass.

Public parks :D
12) How do you avoid tan lines? If the answer is tan naked, where?
Tanning naked and I either go to a tanning bed if I can swing it or I have a super awesome member that will allow me to sun in the buff on his property with no worries of cops being dicks about it :D

My Sawzall and dildo attachment. NOTHING fucks like that! I swear I came 10 times the first time I used it.
14) We've seen photos of you in handcuffs and some bondage outfits. Do you like being tied up?
Hell YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! It ain't fun unless it's rough ;)

One of my most memorable experiences was the first time I meet up with fan/member and we ended up getting in trouble with a douchebag of a Park Ranger who ruined an awesome shoot! My most fun and memorable experience was up in KC for a meet and greet contest and all I'm gonna say is baby oil. Let your minds run with that one ;)
16) You said once that we should see what you can do with a cherry stem. What can you do with a cherry stem?
I can tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue. Done it a few times live on cam to show the disbelievers.

We'd be here all day and I'd probably stop and masturbate just talking about it. Several times.
18) What - besides sex and work - do you like to do nekkid?
Fuck, anything. I'm usually naked at home and anywhere else I can be.
19) Do you prefer photo shoots with costumes, toys or neither? How come?
I love costumes; cosplay is a passion for me. Of course toys are always a bonus cause I usually cum a few times using them.

I love to suck a good hard cock until they're dry!
21) Tell us something about you that most people would be surprised to find out.
I have a full college diploma/degree but don't care 'cause sex/porn is more fun.
22) Anything you want to tell us that we didn't ask?
Not that I can think of. But I'm always open to questions so feel free to hit me up anytime. :)
Plug time:
Official Site:
S&FF Profile:
Wishlists: Callista's Wishlists
Blog: Callista's Blog
Description: It's been a little while since we've last sat down with a hot babe and found out what makes her tick. A little while too long if you ask me. Callista is here to save the day!
Views: 29477
Date: November 28, 2013
Favorited: 5

Now I do not feel any guilt about not watching all of it.
P.S. I like the unshaved better!