Deep Inside SaraLiz

After such a great time with Carlotta we couldn't resist talking to one of her friends and fellow RagMagReject, SaraLiz. SaraLiz has sexy and funny covered and is the kind of girl you actually really enjoy spending time and cracking up with. She's also, really, really hot. Oh, did we mention she carries fishing gear in her trunk and does fetish videos that include sensually rubbing a puffy winter jacket? Yeah, this lady is not boring.
So on with the questions.

Thank you! I don't really find one genre more fun than another. Each type of shoot brings something different to the table for me. I like a bit of a challenge, so if I'm doing weird poses or have exotic makeup/hair it can be more inspiring. I also really enjoy video work of any sort, it's a bit more involved. There are advantages to being naked on a shoot, and there are also disadvantages. That has do to with temperature more than anything. It is pretty amazing to get to lay around naked and get paid for it!
2) How are you able to achieve so many different looks? Is that something you've worked on or it just sort of happened that way?
I didn't really work on that. I'd like to credit the amazing hair and makeup artists I have gotten to work with for that one. They can really bring those different looks out of me. I'm simply a blank canvas!

My other video work is in the fetish world. I'll delve more into that later. :)
4) Why do you think you take to video so well?
I don't really over think what I'm doing. I think that's where a lot of people freeze up. They are overanalyzing what they are supposed to be doing on camera and you can see those gears turning in their head. I just either don't look at the camera or consider it another person sitting there with me.
5) What is your favourite feature about yourself (body part, talent, habit)?
My lips (the ones on my face!)

I've always wanted to be naked. I've never been shy about being nude in front of new people. I think that comes from my ballet background and having to change quickly backstage. You don't have time to think about your boobs hanging out. Carlotta can also vouch that we used to be the concert flashing girls before we started modeling at all!
7) You've done work for Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler. How are they different in terms of work environment and preparing for a shoot?
I've shot for Playboy and Penthouse multiple times, Hustler only once. Every shoot was professional and fun. I enjoyed them all!! As far as preparing goes, I tend to eat a little healthier the week before a big shoot and workout a little more. That's it! I like to keep things pretty simple.

I'm a good mix of both. I know when I need to turn on the business side, but 95% of the time I'm having fun. I've always felt that I need to quit once I stop having fun. I don't want anything to be "forced". I've had a few turn on instances. There are things I shoot that simply feel good!!
9) What's the most fun you have ever had on a job? What were you doing?
I discovered that I really like shooting "messy" things. I've smashed pies and cakes onto myself, bathed in a kiddie pool of oatmeal, rolled in marshmallow fluff, whipped cream, glue, and I've even sunk into mud pits! I always have fun when I leave the shoot with something squishy in my ears. :)

I like anything where I look drastically different. One of my absolute favorites was taken with a very old camera where you have to sit still for 30+ seconds. It looks like it's from another time. It's really awesome!
11) Do you prefer being dressed to the nines and glamorous or shoes off and relaxed? Why?
I like both! When I go out I like to be glam, but when I'm home I'm in pajamas instantly.
12) Apart from your obvious physical charms, what is your favourite skill/talent and how does it help you make better photos?
I have a ballet background. It's super helpful with my flexibility and posing.

I LOVE to fish. I seriously carry fishing poles and a tackle box in the trunk of my car. Just in case. I'm also a pretty good cook!
14) Tell us about your fetish work.
Haha, where do I begin?!

Depends on the fetish. Sometimes it can be very physically challenging. Obviously bondage is supposed to be difficult, but did you think about tickling? Being tied up and tickled is seriously hard. I'm always sweating and out of breath in the first two minutes! I guess I already told you the one I liked the most! I think my next favorite would be drowning videos because I really like to swim. lol
16) What's the sexiest fetish? What's the weirdest?
Depends on who you ask! Ha! One of the sexiest ones I've shot was a super up close camera make out video. It was weird for me to watch because it's like making out with myself..but it was really hot! The weirdest would probably be puffy jackets. I would put on a puffy winter jacket and proceed to rub it sensually for about 7 minutes.

Gentle touching and kissing is awesome!!! Teasing is seriously amazing and fun. :)
The questions below are based on her videos, click the links to see them!
18) Video: SaraLiz's Creepy Fan Letter. How many creepy letters do you get a week? What's the ratio of creepy to cool? Favorite letter ever?
I get a bunch every month, they vary in numbers. Most people are pretty nice, some are beyond strange as you've seen. My most recent one was a fan expressing his love for seeing my eyes crossed. I love my job. :)

Oh thanks! I'm just naturally expressive.
20) Video: SaraLiz and the Photoshop Fail. I love your outfit. How did you pick that? And you made sure your robe stayed open. What did we do to deserve such hotness? Was the photo in the video the actual photo?
I think I just had on lingerie and got a bit chilly. I figured people would want to see boobs if I'm just chatting so I opened the front of my robe. My boobs held the robe back pretty well on their own. The photo in the video was not the real thing! The real thing was worse... *sigh*

Haha, thanks! I like to gyrate my crotch at people (I'm weird) so I went with that spot. I practiced in the mirror beforehand and I got it spinning if I was bouncing. For some reason it didn't want to work for the video, but I tried!! I honestly don't know if I've improved, Carlotta took the tassel with her!
22) Video: The Gender Bending Model. Why do you think you dream about having a penis? Did you enjoy your time as Steve?
I think every girl has dreamt of having a penis and masturbating with it. It's your mind just being curious! I had a GREAT time as Steve! I had to make my bulge smaller for the shoot though. It was apparently too distracting.
23) Video: The Glamour Model Burping Contest. It's easy to see why you won but why were you chosen as a competitor?
This one just kind of happened. Titania and I are always burping (don't give me soda!). I just so happened to win that one, but she is a worthy opponent. Maybe there will be a rematch?

It was like sticking my fist into super deep, thick mud. Thick enough to suction your hand in and make it feel like it's stuck forever.
25) Video: Dildo Sword Fight! What was your favourite part of the dildo factory?
The MASSIVE amount of everything! Drums of lube, bins of dildos, hundreds of vibrators!! There were so many things to grab and jiggle. It's such a wonderful place!
Plug time:
You can stalk SaraLiz on Facebook at and at her comedy group site The Rag Mag Rejects. Don't forget to also subscribe to their YouTube channel for new videos here.
Description: When she's not anally fisting sex dolls, pillow fighting with her girlfriends naked or winning burping contests she's actually your average kind of girl. Or is she?
Views: 24456
Date: July 18, 2013
Favorited: 5

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