Deep Inside Carlotta Champagne

We got our first taste of Carlotta on March 22, 2011. Since then she has appeared in 23 posts - 23!!!!!! - here on S&F and each one is special to us in its own hot way (though the video she made for us is still my favorite).
She recently joined our forums and Carlotta is definitely our kind of girl. When such a wonderful woman lists her occupation as "nudie model!" - complete with exclamation mark - it really gets our attention. She's also pretty damned smart AND she is fucking hilarious. Seriously, take a look at her bio from Rag Mag Rejects, a website site created by Carlotta and featuring her and her girlfriends.

Weight: 116
Height: 5'6
Stats: 34D-25-38
Goals: To be the most photographed nude model on the web and to make a very lucrative celebrity sex tape.
Achievements: Being printed on naughty birthday cards and being on Good Morning America for soliciting adult content to minors.
Likes: Giving makeovers to the less fortunate
Dislikes: Circumcised men
So let's get right into it.

Internet models tend to shoot all types of work within their comfort level as opposed to being boxed into "only fashion" or "only swimsuit" and have agencies representing them. I represent myself so I'm able to pick and choose the type of work I want to do!
2) You said you are very well-prepared for shoots. How do you prepare for sexy assignments?
I always ask what photographers and artists want to shoot, and then I bring twice as much as they asked for. I like to have a variety of wardrobe, and the ability to change my look up. Lots of wigs, lingerie and shoes!

I am proud of all of my photos. I work hard to create beautiful images all of the time! Here's a recent image I shot with TH Taylor that I think is a lot of fun.
4) We understand that your first nude modeling was in a friend's college photography project. That sounds like the best part of a soft-core-porn movie. What was the project, how much did you show and were you happy with the results?
Well it wasn't nearly as erotic as it might sound. It was a bit awkward, and in retrospect I was clueless with how to model! It was fine art work out in the woods, basically that "naked girl in nature" theme. Overall the results were not bad at all. I did shoot full nude (although it was fine art so it was still very opposed to the smut I shoot now, lol)
5) Were you in the class for the *cough* unveiling? What was that like?
No I was not.

I have always been a bit more conservative for a nude model. I am mostly a "playboy style" model because I don't have any embarrassment over that type of work. I am comfortable with my body and comfortable with my family knowing what I do. I am proud of most of my work. I have done a few edgier zip sets for my website though, so hopefully my mom doesn't see that!
7) We couldn't help noticing that you are a fan of bush. So are we! When did you decide that would be your style?
Before getting into modeling I actually didn't keep much of a bush. I grew it out because I do so much figure work for fine art projects, and most serious artists prefer pubic hair. Having hair makes it hard to "date" art works. If you have a landing strip, are bald or even have tan lines, it is generally easy to tell during what time period the piece was created in.

Probably just a slip of the razor when tidying up. Took a little too much hair off the top, oops!
9) Do you still keep in shape with a hula hoop? Please tell us there is video of this.
Not as much as I should! I love hula hooping but for the winter and spring it got put away. I think its time I pull that sucker back out! Time to film me twirling tassels on my butt and hula hooping! Hah!

I have been a forum junky for ages. Even in high school I liked to go on forums and troll. As I got older I just enjoyed the social interactions, I used to be pretty active on music message boards, but these days I am always looking at naked girls... which brings me here!
11) Do you think S&FF will be one of your regular forum stops and why/why not?
I hope so! I have been doing a good amount of lurking so far.
12) How many hot girls are actually at the Playboy Mansion?
A lot. At the parties I would say 75% are hot chicks, and on any given day there are always at least a dozen pretty ladies just lounging around the pool. Hef has the sexiest entourage.

Yes, he is very sweet and has a big heart. He still gets excited when a girl gets topless or naked at the mansion too. It is amazing after all of these years that he's never gotten sick of it! lmao!
14) We've seen you at a lot of parties. Well we've seen lots of photos of you at parties. What are some of your favorite party memories?
Favorite moments: Oh jeez! I'm not even sure. Dare I say I'm the fat model that attends for the food? Hahaha!

I don't even know where to start! I honestly think more of my life is spent nude than clothed. The weirdest thing about nude models, is that they forget people outside of their bubble aren't used to nudity. I have had more than a few run ins with the police because I forgot to put my pants on, and in general most of us are a little too comfortable running around naked in each other's homes without realizing someone's husband/brother/roommate is in total shock peeking around the corner.
16) Tell us three things that you have to have when you are on the road (and please make one of them naughty).
My makeup bag, my laptop and my sexy panties.

Wouldn't you like to know!
18) What can one expect to learn at "The Art of Perversion" workshop where you'll be one of the models? We imagine a room full of naked girls with demonstrations and bashful touching. It's like that, right?
Haha! Not so much. This is a classroom type setting with a teaching photographer demonstrating lighting setups and editing techniques. After the lighting demonstrations the photographers will be shooting the models, however the biggest issue is that the girls aren't shy at all. We are all good friends, which sometimes makes it not at all bashful and a lot more brazen! We will probably be acting very silly and trying to take in more inspiration for videos like "Titania and the Perverted Photographer".

I started a business in college making purses and accessories out of condoms (I made outfits for fashion shows also). They were really cute and quite successful. I believe the reason Playboy picked me up was because they found an interest in my fashion designs. Here's an example.
20) Also, nipple tassels. Tell us more about the nipple tassels.
Haha. I discovered one day that I was able to spin nipple tassels, so then to make it more difficult, I kept adding things to it! I can twirl tassels on my butt and breasts at the same time, and I can also twirl tassels on my nipples while hula hooping!

I used to be involved in another group called Five Naked Models where we did video blogs about the modeling world. I thought it was a really great concept, and although it fizzled out a few years ago I suddenly had a light bulb come on that said "we needed to be funny!" So I put together another group of girls whom I felt were good at sketch comedy and really had the same goals and ideas as me and ran with it (did I mention they are all basically my closest friends?). We decided to take the stereotypes of how the public sees nude models and play on it. We are making famewhoring a sport, taking our bad experiences with photographers and making a mockery out of them, and the things that would otherwise be totally impolite to say are being embraced through our feeds on facebook and twitter.

I don't know yet! We have hopes that we can get some of our videos to go viral, and maybe end up on Tosh.O, Chelsea Lately, hell if we are found to be interesting enough maybe we could even be given our own reality show. I'm not sure how many episodes one could have about naked models twirling nipple tassels on their butt though!
23) Anything you want to tell us about that we didn't ask?
My vibrator's name is Ol Skippy.
mOOse comment: Well, look at that! 23 questions! Exactly the same as the number of times Carlotta has appeared on our site. Coincidence or is Three D really that good? Yeah, it's definitely a coincidence.
Plug time:
You can find a whole bunch of galleries and videos of Carlotta Champagne right here at S&F by clicking here or stop by her thread on our forum here.
You can follow Carlotta on Twitter at @thecarlotta and to see all her content, go to her official site:!
Also, check out her comedy group The Rag Mag Rejects and subscribe to their YouTube channel for new videos here.
Description: One of our favorites, Carlotta, sits down with ThreeD (virtually speaking, we doubt he'd be able to do his job if he was with her in the flesh) for some quality question time. Yay!
Views: 55362
Date: May 16, 2013
Favorited: 10

Seriously, thanks for the chance to interact with these lovely ladies oh great forum leader.