Deep Inside Misty Gates

We were going to write an intro for the lovely Misty Gates but her website introduction is just too good to bother:
"In the early 90s, I crawled out of the swamp alive. I was raised by a stack of abandoned Playboy magazines that I found in the woods. I'm absolutely feral; I could kill a pitbull and fuck the hell out of you in the same series of motions. Join my site, chat with me on camera and in my forum, and get to know me for yourself. Also, please print out all of my pictures and build a nest out of them in your den or garage. Fill it with PBR tallboys, and one evening, you just might meet me there.
I'm Misty Gates, and I fucking love you. I also love spraying some lead on XBox with my members, camming twice a week with my fans, and getting naughty while guys watch."
Our minds were blown too. On to the questions:

Bloody fine!
2) We have to ask, why did you choose the name Misty? Right now we are imagining something to do with being wet a lot.
Choose the name? The name chose me! Also, I should probably mention that Misty is just a shortened nickname for my full name, Mistyrious.

Humbling. I was only 7 at the time. I made him a little birthday card and got to give it to him in person.
4) Speaking of experience, what it's it like to have candy on your feet (link to gallery)? (Flawless segue FTW!) .
Let's just say they don't call it Fun Dip for nothin'. ;)

It was a pretty easy decision. I've always been of the impression that tattoos aren't for the faint of heart. You just choose something you like, and live wih it. I'm happy with my choices.
6) So Voyeur Princess, when did you figure out you like being watched? Tell us about one of your favorite times being watched?

I got a ton of offers to do web work when I turned 18, and the idea of a solo site always appealed to me. I had talked to, and worked with a couple different companies early on, but when I received an offer to do a site with the company I work for now, I couldn't refuse after meeting the main staff of people I work with. They're just such a fun, smart and creative bunch of people. I immediately felt like I fit right in, and I still feel that way today. I'll probably be in the biz forever, even if it's just behind the scenes. <3

I'm always open minded. I'm the kind of person that will always be a little disappointed that there just isn't enough time to see, do, and learn everything in one life. There are some exceptions though. For instance, scat porn. :)
9) How good is 3D porn? I'm just curious for non-personal reasons. (link to gallery)
I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty fucking awesome. A suggestion: smoke weed first.

It's always a lot of fun working on comics. I don't edit the photos myself, but I do have a hand in the creative process. In fact, the new facial zip with Bailey was originally my brainchild (though the idea of integrating it with another comic came from PhadPanda). The concept, (a good amount of) model direction, and wardrobe were all my doing. I also worked with Phad setting up the props from panel to panel, to help make our vision come to life. You may even notice some of my friends lingering about in several of the panels, such as my roommate Eduardo the sea lion, and my former co-star/ex lover, the whale. <3

My mother always told me bras feel kind of like a coat hanger tied around you with a rubberband, and where wired bras are concerned, I tend to agree. Don't get me wrong, I still love wearing beautiful lingerie, for work and for pleasure, but when it comes to every day wear under my t-shirt, you won't find a bra there. They're just down right uncomfortable, and I've always thought the natural form of the breast is way hotter anyways. Interestingly enough, an ongoing study in France recently concluded that bra's likely hinder the development of muscles that support the breasts, causing them to sag faster. I can't speak to the validity of that claim in its entirety, but I can say that my tits are just as cute and perky as they've ever been. :D

Tyson came with his name when I got him at 12 weeks old. He was responding to it already, so it stuck. KoKo, is short for Kokoro, the name of my favorite character in Dead Or Alive Extreme 2 (link). Kokoro also translates to "heart" or "spirit" in Japanese.
13) We also love Carlotta (click here for our interview with her!). Do you hang out with her naked a lot? Even if you don't please lie and say yes.

14) Janessa seems like an evil gym trainer. What's she like at the gym?
Haha, no way! You got her all wrong! She's very instructive and to the point, but always in a gentle, caring way. And she always spots me if I'm struggling or unsure. When I'm doing squats with that giant, weighted bar across my back, she always squats down behind me, literally having my back every step of the way. It drives all the guys at the gym fucking crazy!

Edith Hamilton's "Mythology".
16) Your taste in music is pretty awesome/old-school. Tell us some favorites from your current playlist.
Thanks! Recently I've been listening to a lot of older (50s-60s) country and blues, and some disco. Some of my fav artists on my playlist at the moment are Sugar Pie DeSanto, Gwen and George McCrae, the Everly Brothers, and Wanda Jackson. As far as playing music goes, I've been mostly just playing Descendents songs on guitar lately. They have a good vocal range for me, and I enjoy singing along when I'm playing just for fun. :)

My father is a drummer in a rock'n'roll band. He always insisted that I play the guitar and not the drums, because drums are way more of a hassle to transport and set up/break down from gig to gig.

So far my fav shoot location would have to be when I shot on Clearwater Beach in Florida. We arrived at the beach right as the sun was setting over the beautiful blue ocean, and powdery white sand. It was so lovely! I also had a little bit of mischievious fun sneaking around to shoot the photos, as Clearwater is neither a private, nor nude beach. :P
19) Any places you'd like to visit that you haven't gotten to yet?
Mostly Egypt. I really want to see the Nile river, the Pyramids and Great sphinx at Giza, and the Luxor Temple.

Good, ol' fashion over-the-knee.
21) The elephant in the room. The butt-plug zipset. Tell us about it.
I stick this really cute gold and purple buttplug in my ass, and fuck the shit out of my little pussy with a realistic dildo 'til I cum all over it! I also do a lot of dirty talking in this video, which is something I've been doing more of in my newer videos. It's probably the sluttiest thing I've shot yet. I'm proud! :D

Monster High Dolls! I like them because.. I just can't help myself. I love toys, and they're just really fucking cool. It can be a fun and relaxing outlet to make silly little dioramas with them sometimes. (click here for a visual provided by Misty).
23) When did you first discover that you have a ticklish bellybutton?
Well, I'm not ticklish just in the belly button. More like the entire stomach area, and the belly button just happens to be in the center of that action. I've always been really ticklish ever since I was a kid.

That depends entirely on where said pie was purchased from. Assuming it's from The Varsity in Atlanta Georgia, where only the finest, quality fried peach pies are served, then EVERYTHING. The taste, the smell, the way the crisp, flaky texture of the outside crust contrasts with its hot, gooey inside.
25) You're an excellent pumpkin carver. Where did you get the idea for a pumpkin carving party?
I stole the idea from a friend who was doing it wrong.

This is a tough question to answer. I've been so blessed to receive so many awesome things from so many incredibly generous people. I'm really so grateful for everything. <3 Some of the gifts I've gotten that have really wowed me include rare books, rare albums on vinyl, and Comic Con exclusive action figures. (reaction gif provided by Misty)
27) Have you ever been recognized in public? (Adult shows don't count). How did that go? I'm gonna put a bet on "awkward".
Yes, it's happened a couple of times. So far it's been surprisingly not awkward, but maybe I've just been lucky.

I was really anxious before I got it done, but it really wasn't so bad. I think it looks really cute on my pussy, and everyone else does too. That's about all the difference it makes. ;)
29) What turns you on about the idea of an MMF threesome?
Well, for one, sucking cock and getting fucked at the same time.

Thanks! I've gotten so much good feedback from that set, I should really shoot another one like it.
31) And finally, tell us something else about Misty that we failed to ask about?!
I just want to say that I love my fans soooo much! I couldn't do it without all the love and support you've given me through the years, so thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. <333 And thank you for being such a fun and supportive community!
Plug time:
Twitter: @Misty_Gates
Wishlist: Misty's Amazon Wishlist - Go buy her something!
Official Site:
Misty on S&F: Click here for her photos/videos on S&F!
Zip Store:
Clip Store:
Free Blog:
Description: How can you not love Misty? You can't, that's how! We sent her a whole bunch of questions and to our delight she answered every single last one of them. She is that awesome.
Views: 49016
Date: March 13, 2014
Favorited: 6

Honestly, pretty much all the awesome comes from the interviewee. Misty is a pretty awesome human. Smart and hot. Yum.
Thanks Misty, for taking the time to wow us with your awesomeness!