Deep Inside Havoc Hailey

Holy crap you guys, we got to interview Havoc!!!! Ok, ok act cool, you can do this. Ahem, so as I was saying.. OMFG you guys, we got Havoc!!!!!
We first fell in love with her in 2011, as the new host of MoneyTalks. Since then we've been able to bring you clips of the larger than life host (and often willing participant) on a semi-regular basis. And with every single clip, her legend grew. So it's little wonder then that Stacey Havoc (that's right, Stacey not Hailey, more on this soon) is one of our most requested babes of all time. She comes in at a cool #4 out of over 3,000 girls on our site!
So imagine our excitement when she said yes over Twitter to our interview request! She even recorded a little greeting for us, which you can watch below:
And with all that out of the way, it's time to go deep inside Stacey Havoc!

Yes my name is Stacey Havoc, Hailey is my sisters name. We look identical.
2) What does your typical day consist of when you're not working?
I actually work everyday, I love to work. I'm working on so many projects and I have so many that I can't wait to start. The only time I'm not working is when I'm sleeping, showering or having sex, lol.

I was actually on the show "Moneytalks" about 7 years ago (damn that makes me feel old lol). They found me on the beach and paid me and a friend to do a topless keg stand. I became friends with the director at the time and I used to beg him to let me host MoneyTalks. After one year of being relentless they let me co-host for 1 day. I have been the host every since. :)

YESSSS!!! I FUCKING LOVE CHICKEN WINGS!!!!! My mouth is watering just thinking about them. I even have this awesome chicken wing hat one of my fans sent.. see pic ;) You must not of seen my topless chicken wing eating contest on MoneyTalks because I won and that's what makes me a pro :) :) :) (link to video)
5) How did it feel winning the wing-eating contest? Any other wing-related achievements you'd like to brag about?
It felt great.. I think I actually had an orgasm during the contest because the wings were so fucking delicious. No other wing-related achievements but I do think I played a large part in the chicken wing sales sky rocketing the past few years ;) #Chickenwings4life
6) After a fair amount of stalking we found that Hook is your favorite movie. What makes it special?

I don't really have a type. lt is more like, "can he deal with my weirdness and my crazy lifestyle?". I would prefer him to know how to make chicken wings really well. ;)

It is an unfinished site, just random stuff for now. Soon it will be a monthly membership site where you will be able to see exclusive pictures and videos of me and talk to me on a live chat powered by Model Centro. Check back on it in 2 months. I wish I had time to work on it but I'm swamped with multiple projects. But I am working on content to add to the site :).
9) Is your site's premium section up and running yet? If so can you tell us a little bit about what's inside?
Not yet.. stay tuned. ;) I'm building the anticipation. I'm good at that. :)

LOL I can't even publish half the bullshit stuff some of these guys write lol. It boggles me. I don't let it get to me, I delete and move on. I don't even google myself anymore and I don't care what people think of me. No matter how many people like you, the same amount of people hate you. Not just with me, with everyone. I stay positive and always respond in a positive way to keep shining bright. "I didn't mean to block your sunshine" is my quote I have tattooed on my inner arm. I feel like when your negative you lose your light.... if that even makes sense to you.... I swear I am not on drugs. lol

LOL Hmmm... well its not really nerdy but what most people don't know about me is that I'm a homebody. Everyone thinks I'm wild and crazy all the time but i prefer to relax, smoke weed, and work lol. I do like to fish a lot. My WIFI reaches my dock so I can work and fish, I'm great at multitasking.
12) It didn't take long after stalking you on twitter to realize you're a massive WWE fan. What do you love about it? The drama? The athleticism? The scandaly-dressed muscly men?
OMG i am huge fan. I love all the characters and the drama in the storyline. I always joke that I'm going to try out to be a Diva. WWE monday night Raw is coming to Miami July 21st a day before my birthday and I'm celebrating my birthday there lol. No joke.

Yesss!!!! I have made a few of my own moves.. One is called the V slam and the other is the Star Smasher. I will try and find a video for you of my sick moves ;).
14) If you had to pick a song that played every time you entered a room (WWE style) for the rest of your life, which song would it be?
Tough question..I have to think about it.. I would have to get back to you on the next interview for that one :)

The moment where you're about to find out if the person is really about to do some fucked up shit for money lol.
16) How about most awkward (I'm sure there are many contenders)?
If you really want to know lol .. and I can't get into much detail about it.. but one time one of the guys having sex shit all over the bed in the middle of the scene. Things got awkward and shitty lol no pun intended.

It's hard to shock me or surprise me after shooting thousands of crazy stunts. Here are a few that were crazy to me (warning, leg-crossing is inevitable):
1) In Arizona we paid a guy to let us light his crotch on fire after we sprayed his jeans with hairspray and we paid another girl to stomp out the fire but while we were shooting we couldn't get the fire out. The guy was freaking out. Every time the girl stomped the fire would get bigger. The whole time during the scene all you hear me saying is "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit" over and over lol. The camera man put his camera down to save the guy. We had an extinguisher but shit got real.. real fast lol.

3) One time we paid this guy to tea bag a jelly fish tank. It stung his balls :).
4) I kicked a guy hard in the balls for like 100 bucks!!! He was a big fan of the show and would've done anything.
5) I threw a sharp round cactus at a guy's butt and it looked like a bloody porcupine after. I felt bad so i pulled a few thorns out to make sure when he sat down it would not stab deeper. He was in serious pain.

Just be yourself and don't be afraid to take chances. If you're determined and relentless, eventually you will get what you want.
19) Have you ever come up with any of the ideas used in the show? Which ones and how did they go?
Yes I have come up with a lot of the ideas. We have creative meetings and we submit ideas and sometimes they get approved. Sometimes they tell me I'm sick in the head lol.
1) Topless chicken wing eating contest.

3) Two guys fucking a girls armpit to see who can cum first.
4) The squirt and slide instead of slip and slide we had a girl squirting on the other side.
5) Stilt sex. A guy wearing stilts got a BJ while his girlfriend was standing up. She climbed a ladder in order to be able to fuck him.
6) Pepper spray to the face.
7) Lighting crotches on fire.
Thats just a few, i could go on and on... lol.

There are tons! I got my first mainstream movie role. The movie is called Em3 and it is actually out in REDBOX right now :) I Play Carol the pot-smoking cool DJ that dies on bad X (link to movie). It was an awesome experience for me and because of it I'm actually writing and directing my own movie.
Not only have I been hosting Moneytalks but I also direct for a few porn sites. Its nice to be involved off camera and still be in the production world.

I think it's 28 lol I stopped counting. It's tough to talk about one because they all mean so much to me. I guess the one on my hand is my favorite. It says LOVE LIFE. I would never get a tat on my hand but I wanted to pick a spot where I would see it everyday to remind myself how blessed I am and to love life everyday.
22) Speaking of tattoos, holy shit.. Armpit? Elbow? You must have ovaries of solid brass. Why those places? How bad did they hurt?
I like to be unique lol. I have never really seen an armpit tat so I decided that's where I wanted it lol. The healing process was the worst . . . you can't shave, you can't wear deodorant, you have to keep your arm up. I even shaved it too soon and took a chunk out of the tattoo. It stung and the spikes poked it lol. It was one thorny rose lol. It took three weeks to heal and I wanted the other side done but forget it lol.

Being in a mainstream movie, skydiving, seeing a vampire castle in Romania, hosting a TV show, going to the Playboy mansion, seeing a volcano up close and sitting in a hot spring, just to name a few.
24) Do people regularly recognize you in public? Any awesome/horrible experiences?

25) What's the best way for a fan to reach out to you?

Plug time:
Twitter: @StaceyHavoc
Havoc's Project: Camming Con, read all about it here.
Official Site:
Wishlist: Havoc's Amazon Wishlist
Havoc on S&F: Click here for her videos on S&F!
Description: Have we got a treat for you today.. the one and only Havoc! This just may be our biggest interview score yet. Make sure you check out all the pictures too!
Views: 221938
Date: July 17, 2014
Favorited: 10

And great interview 3-D!
good interview!