Battle Game Play

Tessa Fowler VS Gabbie Carter


Tessa Fowler


Gabbie Carter


Last round.

Make a choice from each pair. Keep going until there are no match ups left!

Description: We're trying something new, see what pairings you can come up with. It would be great if you put VS somewhere in the title so we can tell the difference.

Views: 14223 Date: 11/02/22 Favorited: 1 favorites

Battle Results

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#1: Tessa Fowler (1884/3635)51.8%
#2: Gabbie Carter (1777/3635)48.9%

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I think it might be better if you had say ten pictures of each one. Then at the end, if you picked six of Tessa and four of Gabbie (or whatever), you'd either go down as six for Tessa and four for Gabbie, or you could just be counted as one Tessa vote.
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