Deep Inside Val Midwest!

This time our dedicated reporter Three D (he's had a name change but assures me that he's still got all his bits) took on the new girl in town, Val Midwest! Her mentor is one of the veterans in the business, Melissa Midwest, so you can rest assured she's in good hands. I've just come up with a great idea for a video.. but anyway, over to you Three D!

1) We read on your site that you used to be a "traditional" model, but found it boring. Why is that?
I felt like everything was done the way they wanted, the poses, the process, everything! I felt like I was a robot and it took the all fun out of it. The photographer would tell me everything to do and it was too much, but now Melissa just tells me to have fun and it's soo much easier and I love it!

2) What is being a huge Nebraska Cornhuskers fan all about?
You almost have to be a huge Cornhusker fan to live in Lincoln NE! Your family kinda grooms you this way from birth and anything fun that happens in this town usually revolves around football lol.

3) If you had to pick one song and one movie to describe your life what would they be and why?
Well right now I have to say Spring Breakers because I'm feeling more wild and crazy these days lol and probably Wannabe by the Spice Girls, because I have soo many guys trying to hook up with me since my site launched that I have to have my friends sort them out!

4) Ever fallen for a pick-up line? If so do you remember what it was??
I live in Nebraska and none of the guys have game so there are a lot of horrible ones. If I like them then I just go and tell them, no need to beat around the bush (Get it? Bush ha ha). I know am not good at jokes!

5) You said your were "born to do this". What makes it such a natural fit?
I want to be a star and I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. My team says they are scared for those days when I take it over the top! They always laugh and say "soon we won't be able to control her". Whatever it takes, I will do!

6) The winter weather must offer lots of opportunities to cuddle. Do you like cuddles?
I like to cuddle with my dog lol, I don't let the boys stay the night much! I don't want them thinking I am going to fall for them so I send my knights home most the time.

7) Do you have any fetishes??
I am not much of a fetish girl but at the same time I am new to this sex game. I have not had many boyfriends nor have I done a lot of wild sex things. I am noticing though in the short time I have had my site that fetish stuff plays a big role in people's lives and I am looking forward to finding my own.

8)  What was it like when you first met Melissa Midwest? What is she like in person?
She is cool and confident like a business person would be. You can tell she has done this for a long time, she pretty much knows it all. Her team is very helpful too and any question I have had they can answer. Having them makes this so much easier and so much more fun.

9) Any hot stories about you two that you're willing to share?
My first hot story so far was the first time all of us partied. It kind of turned into an orgy and I was a little nervous then. I mean, I had kissed a girl a couple times but that was it and this was so much more. You could tell all of them had done this before but by the end I was right in the middle of it.

10) You encourage people to email you directly. What are some of the best emails you've gotten from people? What about some of the creepiest?
Most are really nice and supportive I even look forward to getting most of them. I have really kind of become friends with some of them already. I really look forward to hearing from Rob, one of my biggest fans! He always says the sweetest things and I love people like that! As for creepy I have not gotten any of them most of them just want to have sex with me or be featured on my site.

11) You recently did your first live cam show. How was it?
It was fun and a little different. They could see me but I couldn't see them. I do like that they can chat with me so at least I know if what I am doing is good and they can tell me what they want to see.

12) What surprised you most about the experience? Did you get nervous? Turned on?
My biggest surprise was that I didn't get nervous, I just loved it! I have always been the first one to get naked for skinny dipping or the girl who flashed the group of guys so I think I was just meant to do this.

13) Tell us about your private Skype shows. What is the difference between doing those shows and doing your webcam shows? Which do you prefer?
The private ones are so much better because it's just me and one other guy instead of a whole bunch of guys at the same time. This way the guy can really live out his fantasies with just me! I let him decide what I wear, how long I wear it, what toy he wants me to use. I mean anything goes for the most part and I love that.

Plug time:
You can find a watch Val's shoutout to S&F by clicking here.
You can follow Val on Twitter at and to watch her live on cam as well as get access to all her content, go to her official site:!
courtesy of:

Description: A sexy interview with a brand new girl to this whole nude modeling on the internet thing, the 19 year old Val Midwest! As well as her favorite naughty pictures. It's a win/win!

Views: 43262 Date: April 4, 2013 Favorited: 8 favorites

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+ -
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Good job, once again, 3D!!

Nice to get to meet you, Val! Keep up the hot, sexy work!
+ -
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Love the photos! So playful.
+ -
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Great interview. Gorgeous woman