Latest Updates
Sunday, March 2nd 2008
Best. Harley Davidson. Ever.
I dare you to show me a better one, nay I double dare you!
Thursday, February 14th 2008
Happy Valentines Day... with a Vertical Smile!
Hmm tough decision, one of the chocolates or the 'center piece'... I'll leave that one up to you.
Thursday, August 23rd 2007
Wednesday, August 27th 2008
Anyone Feel Like a Whipped Cream Chocolate Sunday?
How could you say no? You can't, that's how.
Thursday, August 23rd 2007
Monday, November 9th 2009
Worst Porno Ever
It's also a sign you might actually have the worst parents ever. Even this photo is horrible due to the image it's likely creating in your head right now. Sorry.
Monday, December 17th 2007
Oops, Wrong Window
Don't you hate it when this happens.. you're chatting away to your buddy whilst doing a bit of cybering on the side when - oh shit!
Carlotta's Amazingly Sexy Tribute Video to S&F
I know I change my mind often when it comes to my favorite 'fan' video, but this one has to be right up there. Nice melons indeed!