Battle Game Play

Battle of the Thongs II!


Kendra Rain




14 rounds remaining.

Vote for your favorite T-Back wearing hottie from each pair. Keep going until there are no match ups left!

Description: Thongs are pretty sexy, when they're on or in the process of sliding down. Vote for your favourite thongs whether on or almost off!

Views: 24119 Date: 04/05/19 Favorited: 1 favorites

Battle Results

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#1: Miela (3416/4528)75.4%
#2: Erica Campbell (3140/4448)70.6%
#3: Niemira (2774/4425)62.7%
#4: Sammy Braddy (2591/4397)58.9%
#5: Lara (2639/4479)58.9%
#6: Jelena Jensen (2502/4377)57.2%
#7: Sabrina Nichole (2461/4341)56.7%
#8: Celeste Star (2497/4419)56.5%
#9: Kaitlin (2414/4402)54.8%
#10: Aida (2415/4411)54.7%
#11: Jenny McClain (2365/4354)54.3%
#12: Muriel (2391/4404)54.3%
#13: Sophia Lares (2302/4386)52.5%
#14: Luana Lani (2225/4359)51%
#15: Heather (2238/4386)51%
#16: Corinne (2242/4412)50.8%
#17: Sybil A (2186/4381)49.9%
#18: Cruzlyn (2134/4387)48.6%
#19: Kosha (2045/4330)47.2%
#20: Kendra Rain (1949/4399)44.3%
#21: Clare Richards (1891/4330)43.7%
#22: Chrissy Marie (1842/4318)42.7%
#23: Elina (1815/4380)41.4%
#24: Chloe James (1784/4327)41.2%
#25: Noelle Monique (1771/4390)40.3%
#26: Brittney Shumaker (1736/4311)40.3%
#27: Rachel Louise (1736/4324)40.1%
#28: Abbey Barnsley (1729/4320)40%
#29: Casana (1705/4303)39.6%
#30: Niki Lee Young (1078/4278)25.2%

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