Latest Updates
Thursday, August 23rd 2007
Monday, January 26th 2009
It's All About Perception
Next time you have one too many and see a girl who you think looks hot, remember this pic. Who am I kidding, you probably won't remember your name, let alone this pic.
Wednesday, August 27th 2008
Anyone Feel Like a Whipped Cream Chocolate Sunday?
How could you say no? You can't, that's how.
Thursday, August 23rd 2007
Saturday, January 10th 2009
eHarmony Rejection Letter
You'd think he'd get points for honesty but no, eHarmony would prefer you make stuff instead. Hahaha.
Monday, November 9th 2009
Worst Porno Ever
It's also a sign you might actually have the worst parents ever. Even this photo is horrible due to the image it's likely creating in your head right now. Sorry.
Saturday, November 8th 2008
"I do not have any money so am sending you this drawing.."
Hahaha, this is just genius. I know it's not the worlds most alluring thumbnail, but make sure you click it and read the whole thing..
Sunday, April 5th 2009
Paid to Make his Friends Wife Pregnant.. and Failed
Bahahaha, this has to be the best news story ever.
Wednesday, October 21st 2009
Worst. Mother. Ever.
Once again we turn to Yahoo Answers for some comedic relief. This one is most likely fake, but fear not, you can still pretend it's real! Or failing that, laugh at the answers.
Wednesday, October 14th 2009
Girlfriend Found Weird Vids..
All I can say is 'Hahahahaha'. That and where would we be without Yahoo answers.. I'm not sure why I even tagged this as sexy but I have and I'm far too lazy to untag it.
Free Live Cam Shows
Just a reminder in case you forgot, this is easily the best free cam site in the world. Tip the girls to get naked and do shows or just sit back and let others do it! Either way, it's a win/win!