"I do not have any money so am sending you this drawing.."

Description: Hahaha, this is just genius. I know it's not the worlds most alluring thumbnail, but make sure you click it and read the whole thing..

Views: 59546 Date: 11/08/08 Favorited: 6 -

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+ -
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well the emails state the last correspondance was at 14/oct/08 so not that long ago...
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ive got the feeling this is really old, but if not, add a G.
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+ -
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Way to go.... so did David have to pay or what???
+ -
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That was hilarious, way to waste their time.
Shadowldd replied:
Lol new fav
+ -
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Dude now thats just plain funny right there i dont care who you are hahaha
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This is either the dumbest thing Ive seen all day, or the most genius...

Either way, hilarious! Big thumbs up!
Shadowldd replied:
Lol lol lol idot
+ -
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This is great work. Also, David missed the perfect opportunity. Jane admitted to copying and pasting the spider GIF to an email. The spider GIF is David's intellectual property, since the company did not accept the GIF as payment. Therefore Jane did not have David's permission to copy his property and use it. So Dave could charge them any amount (with in reason) for the use of his intellectual property, ie his GIF.
Also, the company did not return intellectual property to David. They still have it in their possession on their computers. David could press a lawsuit against the company for non-payment of his intellectual property and for possible copyright violations.
Nirvanakick replied:
This is why the country we live in sucks so bad. Because of ideas like this...
Ike replied:
Reply to Nirvanakick
Actually, quite the opposite. This is why America is the greatest country in the world
rover666999 replied:
On the contrary, my reason is similar to the original reason David sent in the emails in the first place. To not end up paying a possible bogus bill. Similar to insurance company's policy: deny long enough and most people give up. So all of it makes this country what it is, good and bad. So just live with it.
capn jack replied:
Hmmm... an interesting debate, but I have to side with rover, but only because I have a feeling that the charges are bogus. Insuficient funds?? yeah, it's a real bitch when your funds are "insuficient" and a bank charges you for it... f@ck em, sue em for all they got David, that spider looked pretty valuable!
+ -
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Awesome. Truly hilarious.

Bravo for mOOse. :bravo:
+ -
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reminds me of the dude who mailed a picture of $40.

but this is pretty funny.
+ -
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Excellent remark in David's last email, lol
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I almost wish it had worked XD lol
+ -
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That is hilarious