My Boobs, Real or Fake?

Description: It's time to set the record strait about my chest..

Views: 191631 Date: August 19, 2008 Favorited: 5 favorites

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zzzz.... bored, that's it.
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Real. But take your top off next time, so we can see better.
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i couldnt tell if they were real or fake, next video show without top on and i can gauge better if they are real or fake. xD
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I would just like to say that, coincidently, those 13 culture happen to be cultures that use anti gravity devices for boobs. It is surprising to me that you complain about your boobs getting more attention than your face, especially since you show cleavage. It could be just a feeling, but maybe your boobs are not so nice. Large, but not beautiful, and that is why you are complaining.
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Beautiful, yes, but what the hell?! This is sexy and funny and there was nothing there sexy nor funny. You wanna complain about guys obsessing about your boobs, blog it somewhere else. If you wanna SHOW them then that's different. But simply enough, this video doesn't fit into this website
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Greetings from Ireland I think you are a beautiful Woman . You are unique and an individual if you believe in yourself Respect
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so....uh....let me get this dont want people being attracted to you because you have boobs??

easy enough problem to solve....cut them off. then you wont have to worry about all us pesky boob-obssessed-culture types, or having to have people even look at you because of your boobs. you'll certainly find that rare diamond in the rough who will care about the person you are simply because youre the person you are.

oh crap...wait....if you do that, how will you make your mark in this world, since youve apparently been using your boobs to do that. otherwise, why would the topic of if your boobs are real or fake even come up? ya know what...nevermind all i just advised. Just deal with the fact that men are men and be thankful you have boobs to attract them with, stupid bitch!
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Actully fake boobs do jiggle, It depends what type of implant you have.
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Cool Moose , thank you bring my vid in the sexy Chart !!!