Hospital Strip-O-Gram Goes Wrong

Description: Another awesome sketch from the Bizarre show. And by awesome we mean it features both humor and boobs which kind of go hand in hand here! :)

Views: 195788 Date: October 25, 2010 Favorited: 30 favorites

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+ -
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This reminds me of a sketch I saw once on the Man Show. Minus the actually boobs, of course.
+ -
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Every where else in the world, female nudity was allowed. Here in the US, female nudity was never allowed but male nudity is. This was made in the 70's and even now in the US, this will never be allowed to be shown - shame.
bikeriderz replied:
That's why the internet is rapidly replacing television.
june pearl replied:
You obviously haven't been to any of the third world countries,dude...where even talking to girls in public is frowned upon!Sadly,i live in one such countries,dreaming of the day I would come to US...
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