Movie Preview: The Sex Machine

Description: A sexy comedy made in 1976 from where else but Italy.. The plot is based around a worldwide energy shortage which a scientist tries to solve by harvesting the power of sexual passion. Seriously.

Views: 177367 Date: April 29, 2011 Favorited: 20 favorites

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It's Strange that I uploaded it and did not know anything about it, All the info in the description did not come from me, Ib thought it was just an old American B Movie or a spoof of one. It is both sexy & funny though!
Canass replied:
You guys seem to know a lot more about this than me
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They could have solved the energy crisis by reducing the number of electric lights in every scene or am I missing the point.
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Italian_guy nice catch on the actors names .. its a 1976 movie "Conviene far bene l'amore" .. never seen it but now I want to
italian_guy replied:
Watching it again I notice that at 01:58 there's also a young Christian De Sica, which nowadays is a superstar comedian
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Sex: Burns calories, produces electricity, brings world piece.
june pearl replied:
You mean peace...
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It's strange I've never heard of it before, even if some very big names are involved (the bearded scientist is Gigi Proietti, one of italian greatest actors, and the blonde long - haired girl is popular actress Eleonora Giorgi)