Czech Girls Present the News Naked

Description: Look out NakedNews, looks like you've got some competition from the Czech Republic. You probably won't be able to understand them, but luckily nudity is universal.

Views: 200126 Date: April 27, 2011 Favorited: 32 favorites

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Unfortunately the website has stopped updating but there's a huge archive
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At 0:31 it sounded like she said "Midget school"
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They had a picture of an old guy,Indiana Jones,a cute kitty and a horrible mutant in the background.What the hell were they talking about?Sounds gibrish.But since nakedness is involved and the babes were hot,you don't really care.Got to agree...Czech Republic is producing some mighty fine girls.Keep it up...
balsiker replied:
Well, no economy or politics, but not that stupid news. :0)
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Is that Tarra White?
Canass replied:
I just loaded my Virtual Girl of her and compared them, and it really looks like her. The Tat on her arm matches so I would say yes.