Katherine Plays with her Boobs download wmv download mp4

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Description: Meet Katherine, she's originally from Russia, was once a gymnast, loves to laugh and liked to play with her boobs.

Views: 121560 Date: December 28, 2012 Favorited: 18 favorites

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"liked" to? As in she no longer likes them? Can't imagine why not.
Shakros replied:
Also, the old wives' tale states that a guy with a big nose has a big dick. So does that go the same with girls and big tits? Before anyone takes offense, I don't mean that I find her big nose unattractive. She's very beautiful, from the neck up AND from the neck down. I'm just curious.
+ -
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Very nice funny girl with beautyful delicious BOOBS indeed. MMMMM
+ -
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Mmmmmm, her boobs are so yummy & juicy.