Luscious Laura Lee

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Description: Laura poses in her black lingerie and stockings, most of which does eventually come off!

Views: 226956 Date: 11/12/08 Favorited: 12 favorites

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beautiful, sexy babe. fantastic, lovely figure.
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MEDIOCRE? What world are you living in?
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Ondondon said:
nice eyes...and beautiful face, but the rest of her body is mediocre.

I have to agree and disagree with that because if you compare her to every prefect-bodied supermodel and pornstar out there then yes, she's mediocre. However, compare her to the average girl you know and she's a bombshell. Basically saying that women are driven to the brink of insanity trying to make themselves perfect so the world won't turn up their nose at them when they fail, some people call them mediocre. Personally, I find her fucking hot.
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jermoore said:
Mediocre? Why, because she's neither anorexic nor obviously airbrushed, and has natural breasts instead of plastic ones? :rolleyes:

Before I read the comments, I had the "Sara Lee" jingle in my head, with the name changed slightly. Now I'm just shaking my head in disbelief that some people apparently feel a need to insult anything and everything. And people wonder why, as a rule, I hate humanity.
500 points for jermoore. I have to agree with you on that.

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Mediocre? Why, because she's neither anorexic nor obviously airbrushed, and has natural breasts instead of plastic ones? :rolleyes:

Before I read the comments, I had the "Sara Lee" jingle in my head, with the name changed slightly. Now I'm just shaking my head in disbelief that some people apparently feel a need to insult anything and everything. And people wonder why, as a rule, I hate humanity.
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nice eyes...and beautiful face, but the rest of her body is mediocre.
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She certinly has the "come fuck me" eyes! very sexy!
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Cool Body!!