'Construction Worker' Braless in Overalls download wmv download mp4

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Description: Worker is a bit of a stretch as she doesn't seem to be an effective sweeper. Nevertheless I think Rachel's future with the company is secure.

Views: 149994 Date: December 18, 2015 Favorited: 15 favorites by request

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+ -
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Maybe it's a leftover from my coming of age in the seventies, and my first hippie-chick girlfriend... but I've always a "thing" for girls in overalls and nothing else. So I like this one.
base212assm replied:
I, too, have a bit of a fetish for gals in bib overalls without a top. Also, in the 70s, I was at a 5� and Dime when two gals walked in wearing just bib overalls. As a young teenager, of course, I stared. They flashed me. I grinned, and they laughed.
+ -
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Nice vented bump cap. Keeps the head cooler when the vents are at the top instead of the side.
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