Random Photos 588

Description: Hope your 4th of July was banging! Eva just keeps on reminding us how sexy she is. If I had a dollar every time I surprised a nude chick dancing with a dildo in the kitchen.. Wow!

Views: 62336 Date: 07/09/19 Favorited: 4 favorites

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Who the hell is Eve?
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Dude...Whoever is posting these...Are you blind or just has poor taste?Eva stopped being sexy soon as she went under the knife and ruined evrything!And its not me,but the general consensus.So just get the point already!
june pearl replied:
And I'm stressing the point here cause there was another pic of her in RP 586 and a comment on her "nice everything" in the description!Just gets on my nerves....
june pearl replied:
When its clear to see for everyone,she's botched everything up.She used to be a favourite,but no longer...
Binzer replied:
Reply to june pearl: Consensus? Bulls**t.
base212assm replied:
Dude/dudette, Your opinion does not really matter. If others like her, they like her. If others don't, they don't. There is no one in the world saying, "Oh, June doesn't like Eva's tits, I guess I won't like Eva's tits either." Buy a clue. Press the arrow to move on to the next image. Life is too short for you to rant.
june pearl replied:
Ofcourse my opinion matters.If mine doesn't matter then nobodyelse's matters as well.Then why bother with having a comments section at all?Its a way of getting feedback of the likes and dislikes of the regulars and as a regular to S&F, I will have my say and nobody can tell me otherwise...
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