S&F Gets a New Video Player!!

Your eyes aren't deceiving you, we finally upgraded our video player to HTML5! Hooray! You can now do nifty things like skip ahead and slow down/speed up playback!

If you notice any issues, please let us know by leaving a comment below (or on the forums by clicking here) along with information like what video you were trying to watch and what device/browser you are using.

And since there isn't really much more to add and we don't want you to feel like you clicked here for no reason, here's a gif of cat having dice stacked on its foot.

Description: Your eyes aren't deceiving you, we finally upgraded our video player to HTML5! Hooray! You can now do nifty things like skip ahead and slow down/speed up playback!

Views: 10447 Date: May 5, 2017 Favorited: 0 favorites

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+ -
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make a battle or some sort of list of videos that could be improved most by the new ability to slow them down
+ -
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mOOse are you trying to seduce us with this new player? Cuz it's working. :D
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