Server Issues: Part 2

It's been a lousy week. We've been down for almost the whole day and are still in recovery mode. You'll find most images/videos broken for the next 24 hours or so..

Give us a couple of days while we get things across to the new host and we will be back to normal, entertaining and arousing you (sometimes simultaneously) on a daily basis. We will not let a horrible hosting experience keep us down.

There is more detail over in the forums in this thread for those of you who are curious.

Over and out.

Update: As of 03/13 we are almost completely back. Most things should be working, there may be a few odd ends to tie up and a few bits of content from the last few days to add, but we'll get there. Thank you all for the support!

Description: It's been a lousy week. We've been down for almost the whole day and are still in recovery mode. You'll find most images/videos broken for the next 24 hours or so.. Update: We are back!

Views: 15116 Date: March 12, 2015 Favorited: 4 favorites

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I'd say spank that server, but that might make it worse.
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Glad to be able to start my mornings w/ y'all again. This place and coffee all that makes the morning rock.
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thanks for the supportive messages all, these last few days have been hell but it looks like we're back on track.
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Keep going Moose, we ll believe in you!
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Keep your chin up mOOse! Go have a drink and relax. I wish I could buy ya one from here!
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I told you, you shouldn't have let all those Candianlanderers join the site! This is what you get!!! :)
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Thank goodness the issue is at your end! I may have assumed that once again I may have mucked up. Good luck with the fix. PS try turning it off the wall and restarting. or Ctl Alt Dlt
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Ah technology
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randy1985 said:
We are not going anywhere
polstand replied:
So you going to restart the warewolf game after this server issue or just scrap it?

We will pick up were we left off
brasshorn66 replied:

See I told everyone what would happen if I started a thread again...sob sorry to have visited doom on the site again...
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moose, thanks for all your effort.
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hang in there moose we'll wait good luck
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It's to the point of being ridiculous.
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Gotta be really nerve racking for you moose... keep the faith Bro. I am!
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at least there is something up today! we will overcome!
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These things happen. It will pass and sexyandfunny will be better than ever like it always it.
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We are not going anywhere
polstand replied:
So you going to restart the warewolf game after this server issue or just scrap it?
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I hope you told the old host to take their servers and shove them up their ass
garison808 replied:
I hope he gets some recompense for the lost time and data.