Server Issues: Part 2
It's been a lousy week. We've been down for almost the whole day and are
still in recovery mode. You'll find most images/videos broken for the
next 24 hours or so..
Give us a couple of days while we get things across to the new host and we will be back to normal, entertaining and arousing you (sometimes simultaneously) on a daily basis. We will not let a horrible hosting experience keep us down.
There is more detail over in the forums in this thread for those of you who are curious.
Over and out.
Update: As of 03/13 we are almost completely back. Most things should be working, there may be a few odd ends to tie up and a few bits of content from the last few days to add, but we'll get there. Thank you all for the support!
Give us a couple of days while we get things across to the new host and we will be back to normal, entertaining and arousing you (sometimes simultaneously) on a daily basis. We will not let a horrible hosting experience keep us down.
There is more detail over in the forums in this thread for those of you who are curious.
Over and out.
Update: As of 03/13 we are almost completely back. Most things should be working, there may be a few odd ends to tie up and a few bits of content from the last few days to add, but we'll get there. Thank you all for the support!
Description: It's been a lousy week. We've been down for almost the whole day and are still in recovery mode. You'll find most images/videos broken for the next 24 hours or so.. Update: We are back!
Views: 15116
Date: March 12, 2015
Favorited: 4

We will pick up were we left off
See I told everyone what would happen if I started a thread again...sob sorry to have visited doom on the site again...