Sexy and Funny Music Video: Rosana

Description: The chick is smoking hot, the video is funny and finally the song is pretty catchy. Edit: Turns out she's a Playboy model. We'll post a video of her nude tomorrow, so stay tuned!

Views: 54312 Date: July 15, 2012 Favorited: 7 favorites

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+ -
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First saw and favorited this months, maybe years ago because I found it so hilarious. Watching it again after so much time later, and... it's still insanely funny!
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I luv it!!!
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My brain seems to "absorb" catchy, pop tunes. This one got stuck in my head from the start. (Finally knocked that stupid "Call Me Maybe" out...thank God!). But now I'm going to hearing that girl say, "What's my mother-fucking name?" in my head until the next stupid, catchy tune pops up. It's a curse.
mOOse replied:
i feel you. i've listened to this more times than i care to admit.
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First time I watched this, I thought that was Chester Bennington rapping!