Random Photos 262

Description: I'm gonna take a wild stab and say this photo was taken in Amsterdam. Emily Ratajkowski is really blowing up since this video! And finally, stick with this, it's kind of epic.

Views: 227238 Date: 04/09/13 Favorited: 15 favorites

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+ -
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Nip pull :)
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Shwing!!, Bwahhahah!! & mmmmm... not necessarily in that order.
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The cartoon was funny
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Nothing like watching two women feed each other a banana
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#6 makes me think back on all the chicks that tried to screw over my brother! Can't stand skanks like that! #9 seems to remind me of when I was in high school and how the big head phones didnt come around in 2013, they were big back in the 90s. why is it that everywhere I look the culture that I was part of back then seems to be "hip" now days! WTF is going on?
Shakros replied:
"It's just like any fad: it retracts before impact."
+ -
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That aircraft seating one is so true...
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Now I know how to reach the top of my hedges. Can't believe I didn't think of that!
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toshiba should thank FTVGirls for the product placement in #7
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Beautiful women. Liked the condom joke and the fountain toon. Great batch
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#5 Miguela A from Met-Art
#7 Kennedy Leigh
#10 Emily Ratajkowski
#12 Dana Harem
#15 Janessa Brazil
#17 Inna Popenko
#18 Katee Life
#20 Carlotta Champagne
#22 Anna Taverner and Michelle Marsh
#25 Simona at JoyMii
#28 Carrie from Mofos
june pearl replied:
1 & 3?
the_mad_hatta replied:
1 & 3 are unnamed random internet hotties. Thorough research yielded no names.