New 'Favorite' Features

You may have noticed the little heart icons next to each post, they show how many people have added it to their favorites. This will help you see how many other people like the same content as you and might influence your decision on checking it out!

We've also fixed the bug which stopped you viewing past page 1 of your own favorites. At the same time it's now easier to add things to your favorites as it's laid out in the same way on each page no matter what type of content you're viewing. You can also even add links to your favorites which you weren't able to do before.

Please use the favorites features as much as possible, not only for your own benefit of being able to find your favorite content easily, but also because along with ratings, it helps guide us towards what people like to see.. which in turn means better updates!

In order to use the favorites feature, you will need to be a logged in member (tick the "remember me" box to stay logged in until you choose to logout!). It only takes seconds to register and it's of course completely free. In addition to being able to use favorites, post comments and use the forum, being logged in will also soon mean new benefits, like less ads and no pop-ups! So do yourself a favor and register now if you haven't already!

There's more new features coming soon so stay tuned!


Description: You may have noticed the little heart icons next to each post, they show how many people have added it to their favorites. Click here to read more..

Views: 16397 Date: July 15, 2009 Favorited: 0 favorites

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+ -
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test 2
+ -
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Great update, mOOse!
+ -
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it would be cool to also have a sorting method using favourites. we can sort by views, sexy, and funny ratings, but how about times favourited? that could be interestng...
mOOse replied:
that's in the works :)
mOOse replied:
and its donel
+ -
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Nice new addition mOOse!