[quote name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 07:36:41]We are back online....!![reply name=12941 time=2008-05-02 07:46:18]Woohoo![/reply][reply name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 08:00:42]Restored two threads in GM, put up toons in FH[/reply][/quote]
Update: I'm talking to my server admin, he seems optmistic that we'll be able to get everything back. might only be a couple of hours before we're back.
12941 replied:
Great news!
brianbrianbrian replied:
while your waiting..do you want a sandwich?
mOOse replied:
fucking awesome news, i think we're back guys!
brianbrianbrian replied:
so what was the easy password??
mOOse replied:
thirstyrabbit can tell you if he wants :)
brianbrianbrian replied:
im gunna guess
Full_Frontal replied:
Wow, that was quick. Great job!
[quote name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 07:21:01]Update: I'm talking to my server admin, he seems optmistic that we'll be able to get everything back. might only be a couple of hours before we're back.[reply name=12941 time=2008-05-02 07:25:55]Great news![/reply][reply name=brianbrianbrian time=2008-05-02 07:26:27]while your waiting..do you want a sandwich?[/reply][reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 07:34:35]fucking awesome news, i think we're back guys![/reply][reply name=brianbrianbrian time=2008-05-02 07:39:07]so what was the easy password??[/reply][reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 07:41:06]thirstyrabbit can tell you if he wants :)[/reply][reply name=brianbrianbrian time=2008-05-02 07:48:25]im gunna guess
bunny?[/reply][reply name=Full_Frontal time=2008-05-02 07:57:43]Wow, that was quick. Great job![/reply][/quote]
do u think this might be their work...their coup attempt?????????????????
[quote name=12941 time=2008-05-02 07:13:19]Who acts as mod here?![reply name=Silver87 time=2008-05-02 07:14:03]Im mod of THE WORLD[/reply][reply name=zboner time=2008-05-02 07:14:58]Jesus, Allah, Buddah and mOOse[/reply][reply name=sam d scorpion time=2008-05-02 07:20:16]rikki and bfett.
do u think this might be their work...their coup attempt?????????????????[/reply][/quote]
DandyDon replied:
I think we are back online....!!
[quote name=Silver87 time=2008-05-02 07:10:53]NEED TO COMPULSIVELY CHECK FORUMS HAS BEEN THWARTED[reply name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 07:35:53]THWART...!
I think we are back online....!![/reply][/quote]
Well gang, off to bed. Hopefully up and runnin' tomorrow. I am off work, so will be sitting my ass right here in front of computer. Will be a boring day if the forums not back up. WTF did I do before I found this site?
brianbrianbrian replied:
probably searched for porn all day
sam d scorpion replied:
zzzlepp tite zboner, have wet dreams :p
[quote name=zboner time=2008-05-02 07:09:07]Well gang, off to bed. Hopefully up and runnin' tomorrow. I am off work, so will be sitting my ass right here in front of computer. Will be a boring day if the forums not back up. WTF did I do before I found this site?[reply name=brianbrianbrian time=2008-05-02 07:11:11]probably searched for porn all day
idk[/reply][reply name=sam d scorpion time=2008-05-02 07:19:34]zzzlepp tite zboner, have wet dreams :p[/reply][/quote]
i suppose I should change my PW when I can. abcdef12345 is not very complicated is it?
(yeah it was a joike)
Silver87 replied:
I suppose that means "iloveporn" is obvious as well?
[quote name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 07:04:25]i suppose I should change my PW when I can. abcdef12345 is not very complicated is it?
(yeah it was a joike)[reply name=Silver87 time=2008-05-02 07:15:22]I suppose that means "iloveporn" is obvious as well?[/reply][/quote]
How long do you think the forum will be have to be disabled? Any estimate as to when it will be back online?
mOOse replied:
maybe only a few hours.. things are looking promising!
[quote name=Full_Frontal time=2008-05-02 06:56:54]How long do you think the forum will be have to be disabled? Any estimate as to when it will be back online?[reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 07:18:31]maybe only a few hours.. things are looking promising![/reply][/quote]
Awww piss! I suppose I only had a couple posts, thankfully I live in GM, so it will just be a matter of coming up with new opinions to replace anything I may have posted. Too bad I can hardly remember an hour ago, let alone 1/2 a day ago :( I'm kinda remebering a few solid points made?? Oh well I guess.
Hey thirstyrabbit, we all understand it's not really your fault some douchebag decided to do this, so please don't sweat it too much. Consider it as a lesson learned as to what douchebaggery can do ;)
12941 replied:
Hey, if you want an opinion, I can always provide you with one!
poker twice
[quote name=poker twice time=2008-05-02 06:52:47]Awww piss! I suppose I only had a couple posts, thankfully I live in GM, so it will just be a matter of coming up with new opinions to replace anything I may have posted. Too bad I can hardly remember an hour ago, let alone 1/2 a day ago :( I'm kinda remebering a few solid points made?? Oh well I guess.
Hey thirstyrabbit, we all understand it's not really your fault some douchebag decided to do this, so please don't sweat it too much. Consider it as a lesson learned as to what douchebaggery can do ;)[reply name=12941 time=2008-05-02 07:06:43]Hey, if you want an opinion, I can always provide you with one![/reply][/quote]
Hey guys - I'm extremely sorry (and embarrassed) to learn my account password had caused the forum to shut down - albeit temporarily - I particulalry apologise to those who've just submitted posts recently - I know, as a regular poster myself, how much time could be spent on each contributing post. mOOse has thankfully reset my ridiculously EASY password. Lesson learnt, I request all members with easy passwords to reset them to something less-guessable. Damn I hate hackers..!
I hope the data restoration goes smoothly without hitch.
- A not-very-happy and totally red-faced bunny...
willywonka replied:
No worries rabbit, this could of happened to anyone, you were just unlucky and I am sure the members will be very forgiving :)
12941 replied:
Things could have been worse, you could have been a mod!
sam d scorpion replied:
its OK. its life shit happens.
brianbrianbrian replied:
what was the password?
nerdsRus replied:
can't you guess with your trle brains :)
nerdsRus replied:
edit: TRIPLE brains (I hate it when you can't edit your clumsiness away).
[quote name=thirstyrabbit time=2008-05-02 06:40:00]Hey guys - I'm extremely sorry (and embarrassed) to learn my account password had caused the forum to shut down - albeit temporarily - I particulalry apologise to those who've just submitted posts recently - I know, as a regular poster myself, how much time could be spent on each contributing post. mOOse has thankfully reset my ridiculously EASY password. Lesson learnt, I request all members with easy passwords to reset them to something less-guessable. Damn I hate hackers..!
I hope the data restoration goes smoothly without hitch.
- A not-very-happy and totally red-faced bunny...[reply name=willywonka time=2008-05-02 06:44:01]
No worries rabbit, this could of happened to anyone, you were just unlucky and I am sure the members will be very forgiving :)[/reply][reply name=12941 time=2008-05-02 06:46:05]Things could have been worse, you could have been a mod![/reply][reply name=sam d scorpion time=2008-05-02 07:03:19]its OK. its life shit happens.[/reply][reply name=brianbrianbrian time=2008-05-02 07:09:48]what was the password?[/reply][reply name=nerdsRus time=2008-05-05 12:29:48]can't you guess with your trle brains :)[/reply][reply name=nerdsRus time=2008-05-05 12:31:29]edit: TRIPLE brains (I hate it when you can't edit your clumsiness away).[/reply][/quote]
if by PMD rules you mean no rules then yes, yes they do!
Webbie replied:
I don't see why not....
Feel free to post a white " ! " at your leisure.
sam d scorpion replied:
:bump: :D
[quote name=12941 time=2008-05-02 06:32:33]So, do PMD Rules apply here?[reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 06:43:36]if by PMD rules you mean no rules then yes, yes they do![/reply][reply name=Webbie time=2008-05-02 06:43:42]I don't see why not....
Feel free to post a white " ! " at your leisure.[/reply][reply name=sam d scorpion time=2008-05-02 07:06:26]:bump: :D[/reply][/quote]
Well this does kinda suck, at least I haven't had a few posts in a while to lose =-P
mOOse replied:
slacker :rolleyes:
[quote name=Bilgediver time=2008-05-02 06:25:14]Well this does kinda suck, at least I haven't had a few posts in a while to lose =-P[reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 06:50:12]slacker :rolleyes:[/reply][/quote]
atleast a mod's account wasnt broken like last time...
12941 replied:
So true (funny how it seems)
[quote name=tutusinghsohi time=2008-05-02 06:21:49]ahh man...
atleast a mod's account wasnt broken like last time...[reply name=12941 time=2008-05-02 06:25:19]So true (funny how it seems)[/reply][/quote]
No! I won't be able to reply to General Discussion posts! How else will I distract myself from exams?
mOOse, I hope you find the jerk that hacked thirstyrabbit and punish him/her good.
[quote name=username222 time=2008-05-02 06:13:48]No! I won't be able to reply to General Discussion posts! How else will I distract myself from exams?
mOOse, I hope you find the jerk that hacked thirstyrabbit and punish him/her good.[/quote]
Uhhhh, go look in the Studio when forums are back up. Find the thread I started with some drawings in it. Or go look in PMD...i'm there most of the time.
Who are you?
DandyDon replied:
Just one of the contributors who is kinda edgy, sorry
[quote name=Webbie time=2008-05-02 06:09:18][quote name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 06:02:42][quote name=Webbie time=2008-05-02 05:57:14]Ello World![/quote]
Who are you...??[/quote]
Uhhhh, go look in the Studio when forums are back up. Find the thread I started with some drawings in it. Or go look in PMD...i'm there most of the time.
Who are you?[reply name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 06:22:27]Just one of the contributors who is kinda edgy, sorry[/reply][/quote]
Just one of the contributors who is kinda edgy, sorry
[quote name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 06:02:42][quote name=Webbie time=2008-05-02 05:57:14]Ello World![/quote]
Who are you...??[reply name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 06:21:54]Just one of the contributors who is kinda edgy, sorry[/reply][/quote]
I'm sorry, any posts made after the restoration point will be lost is the was I read that. Not all of todays, but all since a certain time...?
My last post was at 9:32pm US CDT or 12:32pm Sidney New South Wales Australia time.
Do you have an estimate of the cut off time so I can get things ready to put back up...?
mOOse replied:
not yet, but if i were to guess it'd be about half a day before the times you quote.
[quote name=DandyDon time=2008-05-02 06:01:34]I'm sorry, any posts made after the restoration point will be lost is the was I read that. Not all of todays, but all since a certain time...?
My last post was at 9:32pm US CDT or 12:32pm Sidney New South Wales Australia time.
Do you have an estimate of the cut off time so I can get things ready to put back up...?[reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 06:03:42]not yet, but if i were to guess it'd be about half a day before the times you quote.[/reply][/quote]
doubtful, considering how obvious the password was it could be anyone.
zboner replied:
Lemme guess mOOse- password was same as username?
mOOse replied:
no, but on par with that
sam d scorpion replied:
*insert Lt. Dan head slapping smiley here*
[quote name=angra time=2008-05-02 06:00:39]Well, here we go again
Wonder if it is the same guy[reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 06:02:41]doubtful, considering how obvious the password was it could be anyone.[/reply][reply name=zboner time=2008-05-02 06:29:49]Lemme guess mOOse- password was same as username?[/reply][reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 06:51:17]no, but on par with that[/reply][reply name=sam d scorpion time=2008-05-02 07:07:38]*insert Lt. Dan head slapping smiley here*[/reply][/quote]
Damn these hackers!
Why not mess with some other sites instead of ours.
Bilgediver replied:
Because our site kicks ass!
[quote name=12941 time=2008-05-02 05:57:23]Damn these hackers!
Why not mess with some other sites instead of ours.[reply name=Bilgediver time=2008-05-02 06:25:52]Because our site kicks ass![/reply][/quote]
Fucking stupid cunt hacker prick!!! Just posted a 3 page fucking post!! Fucking prick. I'm so fucking MAD right now.
sam d scorpion replied:
FQFT :mad:
sam d scorpion replied:
BTW. what was in ur 3 page post????????
[quote name=tdheynes time=2008-05-02 05:55:11]Fucking stupid cunt hacker prick!!! Just posted a 3 page fucking post!! Fucking prick. I'm so fucking MAD right now.[reply name=sam d scorpion time=2008-05-02 07:01:50]QFT.
FQFT :mad:[/reply][reply name=sam d scorpion time=2008-05-02 07:08:35]BTW. what was in ur 3 page post????????[/reply][/quote]
Tat really sucks mOOse. hope everything goes well while fixing this problem and its not too big a pain in the ass for ya :(
[quote name=willywonka time=2008-05-02 05:54:36]Tat really sucks mOOse. hope everything goes well while fixing this problem and its not too big a pain in the ass for ya :([/quote]
wow, this sucks... thank god my PW isn't easily guessable, as it isn't even a word :D
johndoe0007 replied:
Reply to RogueFirefighter:...you do realize that eliminates about 250,000 possibilities a hacker would have to try...
[quote name=RogueFirefighter time=2008-05-02 05:53:37]wow, this sucks... thank god my PW isn't easily guessable, as it isn't even a word :D[reply name=johndoe0007 time=2008-05-05 07:54:47]Reply to RogueFirefighter:...you do realize that eliminates about 250,000 possibilities a hacker would have to try...[/reply][/quote]
(not talking about you, wiiniie - talking about the prick who attacked the forum)
[quote name=bludda time=2008-05-02 05:51:00]man, some people are dicks
(not talking about you, wiiniie - talking about the prick who attacked the forum)[/quote]
just heard back from thirstybunny.. the attacker got through by guessing his password which was an extremely guessable one. a reminder for everyone with easy passwords PLEASE CHANGE THEM.
[quote name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 05:41:10]just heard back from thirstybunny.. the attacker got through by guessing his password which was an extremely guessable one. a reminder for everyone with easy passwords PLEASE CHANGE THEM.[/quote]
By "if we are successful all your posts from now on will disappear when the restore is complete"
Does this mean ALL our posts will be deleted or just the ones we made today.
mOOse replied:
only the ones you made today. (ie those made after the last snapshot of the db which will be restored)
sam d scorpion replied:
nice post.
thanks for posting.
The Hitman
[quote name=The Hitman time=2008-05-02 05:35:49]A question to mOOse..
By "if we are successful all your posts from now on will disappear when the restore is complete"
Does this mean ALL our posts will be deleted or just the ones we made today.[reply name=mOOse time=2008-05-02 05:40:12]only the ones you made today. (ie those made after the last snapshot of the db which will be restored)[/reply][reply name=sam d scorpion time=2008-05-02 07:09:16]nice post.
thanks for posting.[/reply][/quote]
Watch Jeny find new ways to get naked in public, trick lucky guys in her hidden-camera videos and get lots of personal interaction and frequent replies from the always sweet Jeny!
at the moment the forums seem to be down.
I hope its not just me.
do u think this might be their work...their coup attempt?????????????????
I think we are back online....!!
(yeah it was a joike)
*play pretend its hitman thread*
Hey thirstyrabbit, we all understand it's not really your fault some douchebag decided to do this, so please don't sweat it too much. Consider it as a lesson learned as to what douchebaggery can do ;)
I hope the data restoration goes smoothly without hitch.
- A not-very-happy and totally red-faced bunny...
No worries rabbit, this could of happened to anyone, you were just unlucky and I am sure the members will be very forgiving :)
Feel free to post a white " ! " at your leisure.
atleast a mod's account wasnt broken like last time...
mOOse, I hope you find the jerk that hacked thirstyrabbit and punish him/her good.
Who are you...??
Uhhhh, go look in the Studio when forums are back up. Find the thread I started with some drawings in it. Or go look in PMD...i'm there most of the time.
Who are you?
Who are you...??
My last post was at 9:32pm US CDT or 12:32pm Sidney New South Wales Australia time.
Do you have an estimate of the cut off time so I can get things ready to put back up...?
Wonder if it is the same guy
Why not mess with some other sites instead of ours.
FQFT :mad:
(not talking about you, wiiniie - talking about the prick who attacked the forum)
By "if we are successful all your posts from now on will disappear when the restore is complete"
Does this mean ALL our posts will be deleted or just the ones we made today.
thanks for posting.