Escalator Upskirts Ahoy

Description: A guy in college figures out an inginous way of getting all the hot girls to bend over at the top of the escalator. But he soon finds out there's no such thing as a free ride.

Views: 155042 Date: May 11, 2012 Favorited: 12 favorites

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I have to assume that if escalators could really do that to people you would hear about it happening more.
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Not how I thought that to end. Funny though,but now to the other half of this website.
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That is good, nice and bloody
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Great looking women and love the acting. The music was perfect too (anyone else learn the Blue Danube from old cartoons?).
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I just love it when I'm watching something sexy, and suddenly someone dies and there's blood everywhere.

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Oh that was awesome. I've had this happen a few times to me in Japan so far, the steps leading out of the train station are so steep that if you're at the right distance behind women when they reach the top you get a perfect shot. Seen one so far with no undies and it was awesome.