Sexy Ice Race in a Hotel Hallway download wmv download mp4

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Description: The rules are simple, the girls have to fill up a bucket with ice from the vending machine down the hall. Oh and they're only wearing lingerie. Let the fun begin!

Views: 119846 Date: June 13, 2013 Favorited: 7 favorites

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+ -
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Oh what fun
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Damn I love these. Of course I wanted it to run a few more minutes but I'm cheap soooooooo this will have to do. :-) I also want to know why winning girl had writing all over her, obviously she uhhh "lost a bet".
mOOse replied:
yeah, she lost the previous game they played. they talked about in the actual video but given the time constraints i had to cut it out.
Three D replied:
^^Thanks homie!
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