Deep Inside Kylie Cupcake!

Kylie should probably need no introduction on this site thanks to her hosting of Money Talks (check out our interview with the previous host Havoc here!) but we'll do a little write up anyway.. She's a 25 year old from Oklahoma who is also a camgirl, a Girls Gone Wild host and a Playboy Cybergirl. She also likes to keep fit and just loves cupcakes! She even has a cupcake tattoo to prove it!

Without further ado, lets dive deep inside this busy cupcake-obsessed athletic hottie by getting on with the questions. Yum!

1) Kylie Cupcake, assuming that is your real last name, how's it hanging?
Kylie Cupcake Morgan is just a stage name ;) I'm so happy to get to chat with you guys!!

2) How do/did you like being blonde?
Umm I recently wore a blonde wig in some new content for my website! It was great switching it up!

3) Do you have any favorite video games or games in general?
I've been slacking in the video game department! So busy!! My favs are Call of Duty Black Ops, and Grand Theft Auto!

4) We read Facebook closed your account, did you ever get it back?
No! I never tried to make another one after that. My Facebook days are over. lol

5) Can you give us the scoop on Chatstar, it's new to us but it looks like fun.
Chatstar is amazing!! So how it works is you set up a network with the girl of your choosing (me ;)), then you each get an anonymous phone number assigned, and you can text and send naughty pics back and forth. I love it! Girls always have their phones on them!!

6) What's something that you can only do in Oklahoma that you miss?
It took forever for me to get used to not hearing sirens here in Houston! In Oklahoma, they test the tornado sirens every week. They don't do that here in Houston!

7) What's your favorite kind of sushi?
You can never go wrong with a California roll! Spider or new York are great too! I've really been into sashimi lately, that would have to be my fav!! :)

8) Keeping on with the food theme, describe the best cupcake you've ever eaten!
I just had some cupcakes in Miami from a store called Bunnie Cakes. Omg!!! They might be the best cupcakes I've ever had. :)

9) What made you want to be a nurse?
Healthcare is my passion. Understanding the entire human body and being able to fix it when something's wrong is fascinating to me! I'm honored to have worked in the healthcare field for so long and will be so happy to return to it someday.

10) How did you make the transition from nurse to model?
I sent in pics to Playboy, hoping they would pick me for something so I could make a little more $$$. They offered me a job camming on Playboy Live, the rest is history!

11) What are some of the things we would do if we visited you in Houston?
I'm obsessed with all the gorgeous parks they have down here! They are all so gorgeous! I love going downtown and being around all those big buildings! I love exploring down here, so different from where I'm from!

12) What's the best part of hosting Money Talks and working with Playboy?
The best part of hosting is getting to come hang in Miami!! I'm so honored and grateful for the amazing opportunities I have.

13) Aside from those two shows and your site, have you shot for any other sites in the past?
I'm all about Girls Gone Wild now!! We just had a huge Girls Gone Wild party in Miami that was live on pay-per-view. I still can't believe I was lucky enough to be a part of that!!

14) Describe your dream Playboy shoot; location, theme..
My dream shoot has always been to shoot on a beach or in a pool. Something where I get completely wet, hair and everything!!

15) What has been your favorite Money Talks challenge so far?
Sooo many favs to choose from! Top favs would be shooting a girl with a dildo bazooka, making ice cream tittie sundaes in an ice cream truck and getting to taze this guy in a trivia game. I have so many favs though, its tough to decide!!

16) Are you still on hosting duties for Money Talks? We saw Kelsi take over in the last few episodes?
Kelsi has been taking the lead!! I think she looks super sexy hosting, don't you guys? I'm so grateful I got to host Money Talks for a whole year! I don't mind letting someone else have a turn :)

17) Do you prepare the same way for photo shoots and video?
Umm I guess so. I don't really prepare much LOL! Just hair and makeup, know what I'm going to say, then action!

18) Tell us a sexy and/or funny story from one of your shoots.
My first shoot for PlayboyPlus, the first set we did in the bathtub with roses and candles everywhere. During one of the videos, I leaned back into a candle, and my hair caught fire!! All that hairspray.. LOL

19) What are you some of your favorite webcam memories? How much webcamming do you currently do?
I still webcam pretty regularly when I'm at home, I just have such a crazy schedule! My fav webcam memories have to be the crazy conversations we have in the free chat. You wouldn't believe some of the things we discuss. ;)

20) Do you prefer performing or watching?
Both!! I have such a blast showing off my stuff, as im sure you guys can tell haha!! It's so fun to let someone else give me a show though. ;)

21) We just discovered your very own site ( How long has it been up and how have you found running it?
Everyone go checkout my website!! It's sexy!! I've had it for a bit over a year now! I use a platform called ModelCentro, they are amazing and I couldn't do it without them! Members can expect to see lots of naughty content and weekly live shows when I'm in town!!

22) You seem to avoid tanlines. Any interesting nude sunbathing stories you'd like to share?
 I'm the worst about tanning naked outside! I've done it everywhere I've lived! It just doesn't bother me lol! I'm sure some neighbors have gotten an eyeful before!

23) On the flip side, what's your favorite way to spend a rainy day?
In bed!! Spending the day in bed watching Netflix is my fav way to spend any day.

24) We've seen you hanging out in a bathtub with Havoc Hailey and we're very jealous. Tell us about one of your wild nights with your friends.
Havoc knows how to party!! The amazing places she's taken me to have changed my life!! Also, she has a very nice tub LOL! We get craziest at camming con!

25) What is something that people are surprised to learn about you?
I'm obsessed with classic rock, that seems to surprise people!!

26) What's your favorite reason to get a notification from your phone?
Chatstar messages of course!! Text me!!

27) We are nearly done and we've only asked 1 cupcake question.. With that in mind, if you were a cupcake what kind of cupcake would you be?
The ultimate question!! I'm whatever flavor is your fav! ;) XOXO

Thanks so much!! I had a great time filling these out! :)

Plug time:
Official Site:
Twitter: @pblkyliemorgan
Kylie Cupcake on S&F: Click here for her videos and galleries on S&F!

Description: We got to interview the MoneyTalks host, Kylie Cupcake! How lucky are we?! And you too by association of course. You should really be reading the interview by now and not this text!

Views: 54301 Date: December 10, 2015 Favorited: 2 favorites

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+ -
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Amazing all around!
Thanks for the interview!
+ -
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thanks to you both.
+ -
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Thank you Kylie!!!!

I have to say I was really pleased with Kylie's answers. Everything I've seen points to her being a really fun person. Plus she is a nurse!

I'm pretty sure Kylie would make hospital visits less horrible.