Blonde Trades Nudes for Donations to Australian Bushfire Relief

After seeing the devastation caused by wildfires in Australia, Kaylen Ward decided to help in maybe the sexiest, most fun way possible and that's something we support around here.

A cute blonde with an amazing body, Kaylen agreed to send a nude pic to anyone who could prove that they'd donated $10 or more to help the efforts in Australia.

According to the BBC, nearly 2,000 homes have been destroyed and at least 25 people and millions of animals have died since September.

Here's the tweet that started it all:
Since the money is going directly to the charities it's hard to track how much she's raised but she told the Washington Post last Sunday that more than 50,000 people had taken her up on the offer since she posted it on Jan. 3, raising over $500,000! She also inspired a few other models to do the same, like @l0serlexxx and Playboy model Jaylene Cook.

Kaylen's twitter followers jumped from 30,000 to 300,000 since the tweet although Instagram shut down three of her accounts because they suck. Sadly, they haven't banned the fake accounts that sprang up to dupe thousands into following them with stolen images of Kaylen.

The 20-year-old Los Angeles hottie said she'd only recently started nude modeling. You should definitely follow her on Twitter @lilearthangelk and her OnlyFans page. And of course take her up on her nudes for donations offer. Here'a a taste of what you'll get (aside from the warm fuzzy feeling that you're helping out of course):

And finally, we nominate this woman for the greatest wife ever award:

Description: Kaylen is no ordinary model. When she heard about the awful fires raging in Australia she thought of a genius way to help out, her T&A!

Views: 16153 Date: January 8, 2020 Favorited: 1 favorites

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She could send me 10, forget the picture and I'll send them the money.
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