Videos with Eila Adams
Tuesday, August 23rd 2016

Naked News Visits CamCon
CamCon is a convention for models and websites to network. Eila Adams is in South Beach to check out their second year and gets everyone topless.
Wednesday, May 6th 2015

NakedNews: Ball Hockey Versus
The girls are back for another fight and this time there's lots of balls and sticks. Lots of nudity as always with the Naked News Team.
Monday, July 17th 2017

Naked News Viewer's Mail: CD Nipple Challenge
A viewer wanted to see if Marina could beat Eila's record for holding 5 CDs on her nipples at once. Reigning champ Eila isn't worried though.
Thursday, February 23rd 2017

Hanna Shows Off Her Language Skills
Are foreign languages sexier by default? Hanna helps us test that theory although we think she's got an unfair advantage (or two).
Thursday, October 2nd 2014

NakedNews: Bloopers and Extras
It's been far too long since the last one of these we've posted. I lost it about 40 seconds in when the guy in the sumo suit appeared in the background. Also, check out this gif.
Sunday, November 2nd 2014

NakedNews: Naked Pumpkin Carving Challenge
The girls get together for another versus, this time to decide who the better pumpkin carvers are. And once again, we are the real winners!
Monday, July 31st 2017

Naked News Versus: Nerf Battle!
The Naked News ladies are back at it, this time in an all-out Nerf fight. Seems like a good time although we had some trouble concentrating on the game.
Friday, November 7th 2014

NakedNews: Pumpkin Carving Bloopers
You've watched them carve pumpkins in this Halloween edition of Versus and now it's time for a behind the scenes look at how it unfolded.
Thursday, August 24th 2017
The Naked News Girls Try Unusual Japanese Food
From sake-flavored Kit Kats to chili soda, they're trying a few exotic flavors from the other side of the world. The Kit Kats sound pretty good.
Friday, June 6th 2014

NakedNews: Nude Bowling Challenge
The girls are back in another spirited naked Versus challenge. The 'classic ICQ throwback' comment made me literally laugh out loud.
Saturday, December 27th 2014

NakedNews: Dirty Santa Gift Exchange
All the girls gather around for their annual gift exchange, except this year there's a twist. You'll have to watch it to find out what it is!
Thursday, April 17th 2014

NakedNews: Naked Beer Pong! (Part 2)
In case you missed it, part 1 was here. Gotta love the commentary 'not the first time that team has been ahead by a cup' - hahaha.
Wednesday, November 2nd 2016

NakedNews: Sexy Halloween Costume Contest!
The NakedNews anchors have dressed up for Halloween and want your help to pick the best costume. So go vote in our poll!
Monday, July 13th 2015

NakedNews Anchors on How They Get Ready for the Show
Who knew there was so much nipple twisting going on at the NakedNews headquarters!