also, no more Facebook voting. our last post got deleted, apparently even posting fully clothed ladies is too much for them. what a bunch of inconsistent dicks.
june pearl replied:
Booooooo to FB...
[quote name=mOOse time=2014-08-28 12:02:45]also, no more Facebook voting. our last post got deleted, apparently even posting fully clothed ladies is too much for them. what a bunch of inconsistent dicks.[reply name=june pearl time=2014-08-28 01:45:33]Booooooo to FB...[/reply][/quote]
Watch Jeny find new ways to get naked in public, trick lucky guys in her hidden-camera videos and get lots of personal interaction and frequent replies from the always sweet Jeny!
S&F Comment Votes + S&F Poll Votes = total
Natalie: 3x10 + 126 = 156
Roxy: 10x10 + 520 = 620
Mia: 24x10 + 1336 = 1576