Sapphira Stretched Out by the Pool

Sapphira A, naked, topless, shaved, ass, heels, pose, chair, outdoors
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Description: Sapphira lifts the hem of her dress higher and higher until she's only got her shoes on. She's got the perfect spot between the pool and the view.

Views: 11784 Date: 12/17/20 Favorited: 2 favorites

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We didn't actually get to see the "stretched out" part!But whatever...Can't expect much these days...
mike990 replied:
Huh? Why can 19t we expect much these days?
june pearl replied:
Reply to june pearl:
june pearl replied:
Because S&F isn't what it used to be!I've been a regular to this site for more than 10 years,so you can trust me on this.Need proof?Check out some older post from 2012 and before,you'll know what I mean...
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