Random Photos 108

Description: I gotta get me one of these dress eating goats.. But then train it to stay far away from people like this. Enjoy the fifth week in a row random photo goodness!

Views: 249887 Date: 04/07/10 Favorited: 6 favorites

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+ -
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A remote control/bottle opener...Now you have two items to loose.
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+ -
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wow... this random photos has made me...
1 want kfc
2 want a beer
3 want to go to the beach
4 want titties
5 play a bit of soccer
6 get the hell off the internet.
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Good set. I wish I could be the one giving that breast massage.
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Chris1972 said:
Daedalus said:
Ahhhhhh the boobs, the horrible black boobs. My Eyes dear god my eyes. I will be in therapy for the rest of my life from that image... (with the cow thing just imagine him draining the cow of milk...like a tank of milk.)
If you notice the chick with the ginormous tits has pictures of herself on the wall. What's up with that?

so she can remind herself where she put her car keys (or her remote control)
akanives replied:
or the fridge......
+ -
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Um... We are missing the last pic. You only posted the one with the guy taking the pic. You forgot to post the actual pic!!!! :-p
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odyssey1234 said:
What's with the pic of the guy milking a cow
(fails to see how it's sexy or funny.. then again.. maybe I just don't get it)
if you observe more, you'll notice that the upper half of the cow is being drained and was grayed out, thus like a milk container being emptied...

on contrary, I wonder how creative a proctologist would propose
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That remote control could become one of the greatest inventions of all time.
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Always good.
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Daedalus said:
Ahhhhhh the boobs, the horrible black boobs.
My Eyes dear god my eyes. I will be in therapy for the rest of my life from that image...

(with the cow thing just imagine him draining the cow of milk...like a tank of milk.)

If you notice the chick with the ginormous tits has pictures of herself on the wall. What's up with that?
+ -
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Ahhhhhh the boobs, the horrible black boobs.
My Eyes dear god my eyes. I will be in therapy for the rest of my life from that image...

(with the cow thing just imagine him draining the cow of milk...like a tank of milk.)
+ -
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What's with the pic of the guy milking a cow
(fails to see how it's sexy or funny.. then again.. maybe I just don't get it)