Nude Summer's Pancake Show

Summer St Claire, blonde, nude, pancakes, self
photo courtesy of:

Description: It's pancake day at Summer's place and she thought she'd take some silly photos with them. Just when you've thought you've seen it all..

Views: 34507 Date: 05/14/13 Favorited: 3 favorites

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Boobies!!!! :D
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sfwriter said:
That looks more like a tortilla than a pancake. Jim Gatton will probably take my "Man Card" away again for noticing the difference. :D

I would say they look more like cr�pes than anything. Mostly they look like boobies though. :D
mOOse replied:
i think both of you are paying far too much attention to whatever that thing is instead of the boobs. :P
polstand replied:
I still don't see what you are talking about
bruce114 replied:
I've checked, and double checked to be sure. They're definitely boobs.
sfwriter replied:
Well, regardless of what it is, she has just awful table manners. And if it's a pancake, where's the syrup and butter. I think it's photoshopped! :D
waffleinc replied:
It's not a pancake or a crepe. I'm pretty sure that it is either pita bread or naan bread.
+ -
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That looks more like a tortilla than a pancake. Jim Gatton will probably take my "Man Card" away again for noticing the difference. :D