Naughty Sarah on the Construction Site

Naughty Sarah, blonde, strip, beer, construction
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Description: Naughty Sarah has shown up on the construction site purely to be a distraction and i think she succeeded.

Views: 38180 Date: 11/14/09 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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Not enough of a distraction I'm afraid, but I'll for give you if you pass us one of those Buds ya got there too. sobrguy won't be sober much longer if sarah keeps suplying the beers, know what I'm sayin'?
+ -
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C'mon girl!? You're not doin it properly. It ain't enough just to show your bra a bit, you gotta whip it of completely Sarah. The other guys on the building sight are gonna be well disapointed that you didn't do the propper strip for them: and what about losing those jeans too.
+ -
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her tool bag looks empty. that's ok. i have one she can use. all i ask in return is for a few of those Budweisers she's got there. = )