Natalie in the Snow

Natalie, brunette, nude, jacket, outdoors, snow, car
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Description: Natalie's car has broken down and she needs some help! This is an old gallery but one of my (and soon to be yours too) favorites.

Views: 181146 Date: 08/19/08 Favorited: 16 favorites

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+ -
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She is easily one of the top 5 or 10 MET models ever.
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Moose, I know she's so hot she's melting the snow (hell she can even melt the paint on the car...) But it's freaking 16 deg in Montreal in the middle of the afternoon!!! I don't want to be reminded of the winter. I want sun, I want beach, I want a cold beer, I want a real Summer and not the crap we have been having for the past few months...

Please Moose, please no more snow...
+ -
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Oh my God, she has a PERFECT bod. I'd have to spend a bit of time 'helping' her first before fixing the car... ;)