Miela Goes Nude for Fruit

Miela, blonde, nude, table, fruit, busty
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Description: How do you make a bowl of fruit more appealing? Just add a hot naked blonde like Miela!

Views: 130286 Date: 02/28/11 Favorited: 22 favorites

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This one has to be so much fun to unwrap!
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I have always found the bikini tan line very sexy. No exception here.
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Shakros said:
The little more than obvious panty tan line is slightly off-putting (and I mean so slight it doesn't bother me, I only noticed it) but I'd saw that's her one and only flaw because DAMN!!! She is absolutely stunning!
Shakros replied:
Scratch out "saw" and insert "say"
+ -
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The little more than obvious panty tan line is slightly off-putting (and I mean so slight it doesn't bother me, I only noticed it) but I'd saw that's her one and only flaw because DAMN!!! She is absolutely stunning!
Shakros replied:
Scratch out "saw" and insert "say"
+ -
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Don't know if the pun is intended, but "mela" is the italian for "apple"
mOOse replied:
no pun intended but thanks for the lesson!