Mica Martinez in a Tiny Bikini

Mica Martinez, brunette, boobs, ass, g string, tattoos
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Description: This outdoor shower is a a great spot for some cheeky photos. Those tattoos on her thighs look especially good in a particular position...

Views: 15640 Date: 12/16/18 Favorited: 3 favorites

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I understand its their body,their canvas.But girls who are in the business of putting their bodies on full display for viewing pleasure,must understand what the people like and give them what they want!
june pearl replied:
P.S.No request for her henceforth...
Badabim replied:
Im liking what I see, nobody is asking you to - just go watch some other model. Like you said, it's their body.
base212assm replied:
It is all about marketing. Some girls think the tats will give them the audience/gigs they desire. I've no problem with them doing so. But as a photographer who hires models, Mica is not a model I would consider hiring.
base212assm replied:
Four years ago Mica had no tattoos in her post here. All that artwork was recently applied in a hurry. It looks haphazard to me.

her website is redirecting, might be telling of what happened to her audience.
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