[quote name=effie time=2009-02-06 20:55:01]I'd lick the banana split off her any day.[reply name=horney boy slut time=2010-05-16 10:41:45]me 2[/reply][/quote]
It's her damn fault she's hungry... go buy some groceries girl... jeeez
capn jack replied:
AHa ha ah, didn't even see the fridge was empty til you said that- good eye, lets see what we got, cucumbers- check, foreign ketchup- check- liter o cola- check... who needs anything more???
Shadrogue replied:
You got a SERIOUSLY hot girl wearing nothing but a banana in front of you and you're looking at the contents of the fridge?! Homo
[quote name=321654 time=2009-02-05 16:35:14]It's her damn fault she's hungry... go buy some groceries girl... jeeez[reply name=capn jack time=2009-02-06 05:47:34]AHa ha ah, didn't even see the fridge was empty til you said that- good eye, lets see what we got, cucumbers- check, foreign ketchup- check- liter o cola- check... who needs anything more???[/reply][reply name=Shadrogue time=2009-02-12 05:51:10]You got a SERIOUSLY hot girl wearing nothing but a banana in front of you and you're looking at the contents of the fridge?! Homo[/reply][/quote]
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