Lela Getting Out of Her Work Clothes

Lela Star, brunette, naked, shaved, stockings, ass, strip, heels
photo courtesy of: Click here for Brazzers.com!
(hardcore warning)

Description: We can sum up Lela's work outfit with one word - 'tight'. She skipped underwear so it doesn't take her long to be naked.

Views: 11929 Date: 07/06/19 Favorited: 1 favorites

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+ -
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No thank you........
+ -
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Yuck is right, why do some women feel the need to do that to themselves?
+ -
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Yuck with the fake butt and breasts is there anything real on her..Yuck
june pearl replied:
Don't forget the lips! And you took the words right out of my mouth! Why do they even post these? Is this supposed to be erotic?