YES SHE CAN RBK. those ribs, hips, shoulders, etc BONES.... Sadly the only nice parts are her bush, nose and nipples.
june pearl replied:
She has a cute little ass.Her body is all natural and has a pretty face to match.I'd take her any day over chicks with ugly tattoos and large silicone tits who look like whores than anything else...
[quote name=Pokemon12 time=2009-11-10 06:50:24]YES SHE CAN RBK. those ribs, hips, shoulders, etc BONES.... Sadly the only nice parts are her bush, nose and nipples.[reply name=june pearl time=2011-05-13 08:11:49]She has a cute little ass.Her body is all natural and has a pretty face to match.I'd take her any day over chicks with ugly tattoos and large silicone tits who look like whores than anything else...[/reply][/quote]
Watch Jeny find new ways to get naked in public, trick lucky guys in her hidden-camera videos and get lots of personal interaction and frequent replies from the always sweet Jeny!
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