Hayley Forgets her Pants

Hayley Marie Coppin, blonde, strip, sunglasses, belt
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Description: She's got her sunglasses and fluffy jacket, but best of all she's forgotten to wear pants. Thank you Hayley for speeding up the strip!

Views: 92890 Date: 03/30/10 Favorited: 14 favorites

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Her toes are fucked up.
NAPAStud replied:
Really? After looking at this body that is your comment? WOW!
bigme92 replied:
Um, why are you looking at her toes, and not her sexy body?
june pearl replied:
Her toes are visible in only one picture.And who the hell cares,when she has a body like that to drool on!There's a word for guys who find flaws in everyone...DORK.
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